Cheer for the Team

As a girl, I grew up in a town that housed a professional NFL team. In fact, I lived just a few blocks from the great Lambeau field and on many occasions rode my bike up to the practice field to watch the players. Coming from a town that backed their hometown team no matter the outcome of the game, I learned that in the game of life, we should do the same.

It always amazed me the joy and celebration that fans impart when their team wins a game or a championship trophy. The breakout of victory can be found all across town as fans everywhere shout “we won”! As if they were on the field and had a part in the game.

Win or lose, a true fan supports their team.

(Romans 12:15) “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”

Whether it be at work, at church or in our home, aren’t we all on the same team? As children of God, we are all called to REJOICE when things are going well for others, even if things are not going as well for us. In Romans 12:15 Paul suggests that we must rejoice with those who rejoice, we must look for opportunities to empathize with others.

It isn’t always easy to rejoice when you’ve been passed up for the promotion or you are having financial struggles while others are receiving blessing after blessing, but as part of the team, as believers, we should be the first to come alongside our brothers and sisters (our teammates) and rejoice!

If you are having trouble being happy for someone today, please say this prayer with me and cheer for the team…

PRAYER: Dear Lord, forgive me for my selfish thoughts and help me to be a team player. Create in me an attitude to rejoice with others in their time of blessing and may others rejoice with me in my time of plenty. AMEN


@copyright2018 laurieadams



2 thoughts on “Cheer for the Team

  1. Iris Nelson

    Powerful message, Laurie. I needed to read that today; I have been passed up on promotions before, and I am sure it will happen again. May I always rejoice with others.