Choose Joy

Don’t forget to Choose Joy during the difficult times in life. 

It’s so easy to forget that we have a place to go and gather peace, strength, and everlasting joy during the trials of this life.  It’s so easy to sit and sulk over all that has gone wrong and walk around with your head down. 

Nehemiah 8:10 says, “…Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  Choose joy.

When everything seems to come crashing down all at once and you don’t think it could get worse.  Everything seems to be going all wrong and all your plans fall through.  At every turn something new and chaotic has occurred once again…nothing new these days.  When the car breaks down, washer & dryer is broken, everyone is sick, a job is lost once again, the bills seems to only grow…it’s just one thing after another and you just want to stop drowning in these overwhelming circumstances and come up for some air!!  A few minutes of air is all you’re asking for…just a few minutes of relief.

Don’t forget, to choose joy, is to choose to run into your Heavenly Father’s arms of Love.  Dwelling in His presence is where you will find peace, joy, strength and rest.

In His presence you will find peace that will melt away all your frustrations, worries and fears… everlasting joy that will leave no room for despair… strength that will allow you to keep going and make it through to the end… and receive the rest you need from your weary circumstances.

It’s a joy that is exceeding…filling…and everlasting!

Psalm 16:11, “You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy…”



Visit my personal devotional blog at From The Pages of Love

3 thoughts on “Choose Joy

  1. Lori

    …..I was just thinking this morning staring at the beautiful crescent moon in the sapphire sky, I am so grateful that in spite of everything, no matter what is happening the moon can always take my breath away. That’s God! Lori

  2. Michele

    Thanks Krista! I love that verse in Nehemiah! A co-facilitator on our women’s ministry team is a retired school teacher and she helps her 8 or 9 year old grandson with his homework a couple days a week. He is struggling with math and a few weeks ago when they were done with math he went to his room. When his grandmother went to check on him, he was on his bed, with tears running down his cheeks, and his bible open! Oh, to learn to run to Jesus when life is hard at such a young age!

    You so wonderfully summed it up with: “Don’t forget, to choose joy, is to choose to run into your Heavenly Father’s arms of Love. Dwelling in His presence is where you will find peace, joy, strength and rest.” AMEN!