Let God do the dusting…

For the past ten years I have owned a cleaning service business. One of the greatest qualifications that I possess for this kind of business is being OCD. It really comes in handy especially when I meet people like I did the other day. I went to give a residential quote to a woman and the first thing she said to me is, “I HATE dusting!” Well, she called the right person because I LOVE to dust and clean and organize.

In fact, I probably love it way too much.

Sometimes, I tend to go overboard with my compulsive cleaning mentality. It embarrassess my children sometimes, mostly when we go to a public restuarant and I point out the filthy blinds, or the 2 inches of dust on the ceiling fan above our table. When my daughter and I excuse ourselves to go use the restroom, I find myself wanting to clean the mirror or taking a wad of papertowels and wiping the counters down. Such behaviour is usually met with the rolling of the eyes or some kind of under the breath statement like, “It’s not your job to clean everything Mom!” I  know its crazy, but I just can’t help myself.

Taking my cleaning frenzy outside my own house is very similiar to what I see happening spiritually all around me. Often times, we can’t help ourselves and that is why we judge others by what we deem as being “unclean”. We notice the dust (or flaws) in them and we think if we could just do alittle dusting and polishing that we can clean them up. All the while, we focus on doing their housecleaning instead of our own.

It’s really easy in my real-life business to busy myself with taking on alot of customers and meeting their cleaning needs but at the same time because of lack of time at home, I neglect my own house to be neat and tidy. Spiritually, it is just as easy for me to overlook my messes (flaws) because I am so busy checking out the dust in someone else’s life.

What right do I have to be the dust blaster of others? That isn’t my job at all! It is God’s. He is the Master duster blaster. Look at what Romans 14:4 says…

“They are God’s servants, not yours. They are responsible to Him, not you. Let Him tell them whether they are right or wrong. And God is able to make them do as they should.”

You have heard it said before that there are those who plant, and those who sow, But there is also one who dusts…and He knows exactly what strength of cleaning power each of us needs. So let God do the dusting!

Visit my blog WOMENTAKINGASTAND for more devo’s.

3 thoughts on “Let God do the dusting…

  1. Iris

    Thank you Laurie for the reminder to dust first in our lives before even thinking about dusting off someone else.