Cling to the Vine

In just a blink of an eye, a crisis can fall upon us. There is no one who is immune to tragedy. No matter your gender, age or ethnicity; tragedy often strikes us when we least expect it.

There was a young couple who went rafting on a sunny, August day with their family. While enjoying  the summer breeze and the sunshine on their faces, the thought of any tragic event happening while on the water did not come to mind. However, something lurked ahead of them that was more than riding the waves.

While the young woman stepped out to help her dad, she slipped and fell. She hit her head on some rocks, which knocked her under the water. She was safely pulled into the raft. Later, as an oar was used to push off of a rock area, she was again, accidentally, hit on the head with the oar.

No one could predict that this was going to happen. In one moment though, things changed for this family.

Because the young lady has some medical training background, she took all of the precautions needed for having a concussion. She finished the trip with her family and returned home. However, after several days had passed, she noticed that things didn’t seem right. Her speech was slurred, she had constant, impairing headaches and she was forgetful. After a doctor consultation, it was determined that the young lady had suffered a mild brain injury and had post concussion syndrome.

Looks like an ordinary fun, family day took a turn towards a crisis.

Being in a crisis can be a tough spot to be in. The crisis fog seems to overtake us, meaning, a fog hangs over us that blinds us to see past the crisis. It is nearly impossible to see through the density of the fog to see how God can bring anything good from this crisis that we find ourselves in.

The truth is, that in the midst of our time of desperation, we should not be connecting TO the crisis. Instead, we should be connecting to God, IN our crisis.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

This young lady was in a crisis. Not only was she physically impaired, she was unable to work and could no longer provide the basic essentials for her family. In just a blink of an eye, everything that she knew as normal was now turned upside down.

During a recent visit with this young lady, she asked why this was happening? I thought about the above mentioned passage in John and contemplated the actual use of trees in our life. A tree can have branches but yet have no real purpose. If the branches are dead, what purpose do they serve? None. But a tree with branches that produce a vine of fruit is a productive one.

The crisis that we find ourselves in may seem like nothing but a dead tree with absolutely no purpose but if we are patient enough and trusting enough, with time, we will see the Vine and the purpose will be revealed in the fruit that is yet to come.

The young couple in this story are real people. They are my son and my bonus daughter and she is still experiencing setbacks from her mild brain trauma that occurred two weeks ago. While we still do not understand the full damage or what lies ahead, I do know that there is a Vine that we can cling to which is strong and dependable and something good will come forth.

BLESSINGS. Laurie (@copyright2019)

If anyone would like to contribute financially to help my son’s family during their time of need. There are two funds set up. If you cannot give, can I ask you to to pray? Thank you in advance! One is a fundraiser on Facebook:

or you can donate on this gofund page set up:

GoFundMe – Rachel’s Relief Fund

6 thoughts on “Cling to the Vine

  1. Luwana Locke

    Laurie, I will be praying for Rachel’s recovery and the family’s peace. Thank God she didn’t drown.

    1. Laurie

      Yes we are thankful for the quick thinking of those standing by. Thank you for the prayers.

  2. Rachel

    Thank you so much for writing this Mama #2. I love you and I appreciate your love and support and help. You are a blessing.