Can you count the stars?

Have you ever heard the song “Can You Count the Stars?”  One Sunday as we were singing this at the end of church services, I heard my five year old say, “No, I can’t” at the end of the stanza in the song.

Hearing his little voice with that little answer made me smile. First, it made me smile because he was paying attention to the lyrics of the songs we were singing. Second, I smiled because even though we cannot count the stars or clouds or children in their beds as the song says, God CAN!

In our humanness counting the stars is not something we can do. God can count them and knows them by name.

Psalm 147:4, 5–
“He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no  limit.”

Go out on a very dark night, away from the city lights, and look at those stars. As you gaze up into the heavens, remember that the same God that put those stars in place also made you. Praise Him for His mighty power! It is so encouraging to me to think about God’s power and care in creating the universe. Every detail mattered to Him in His design….from the number of the stars in the sky to the hairs on your head.

I hope you are encouraged today as you remember that just as God can count the stars, He cares deeply for you.

Have a day of blessings!

I’d love for you to visit me at Raindrops & Rainbows.

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8 thoughts on “Can you count the stars?

  1. Marsha

    How appropriate…my anti spam word is PEACE. And that’s what your devo this morning brought to me, peace and comfort.

    Praying for Caleb. I pray he’s feeling better and able to enjoy with visit with his grandma.


  2. Iris

    Yes, it is comforting to me to know that God cares about me, as He cares for everything He created.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us today.

  3. Denise Fath

    Such a beautiful post to begin my morning with!

    “Every detail mattered to Him in His design” – thank God for that because if I had to control the details of my life I’d be in big trouble! ; )

    I love how much the sky makes me think of the Heavens and God. The rainbow and God’s covenant – the stars and God’s promise of Abraham’s descendants – the sun and God’s creation of day and night – there are reminders of God everywhere! God bless!

  4. Debbie

    Bethany, such a beautiful reminder of who God is. He is El Roi, the One sees all the details of my life and …cares.

    I cannot count the number of stars in the sky either. I love that your five year old is listening to the lyrics of what he is singing. That is amazing but I think his mom has something to do with teaching him well. 🙂

    Blessings and love,

  5. LindaLinda

    It is an amazing, comforting, encouraging thought Bethany. I am overwhelmed at such love. When I think that He knows my name, hears my prayers, sees my thoughts and loves me as though I were His only child it just takes my breath away.