Do the right thing
I don’t know why doing the right thing is so difficult these days. Just like Paul says, we know what is right but yet we struggle doing the right thing.
For the christian, doing what is right should not be so hard. But yet, everyday in our world, we are subjected to things to look at, things to think on, and places to go that we know we ought not be a part of. For some of us, the problem isn’t whether or not what we do is wrong but the issue is about what we do may cause someone to stumble.
“Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.” 1 Corinthians 8:13
When I think about doing the right thing when others are watching, I think about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
Because of their commitment to God, it landed them in a fiery furnace. But even so, it also promoted them to a place of great blessing and influence.
Their story shows me that to be truly tested of character, we may be placed in a situation that causes the outcome to be taken out of our hands. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, we simply must choose to make the right choice based upon God’s Word and then leave the outcome to Him. It may seem like a trial by fire, but simply, it is a fire of refinement and when you come thru on the other side, you will ALWAYS be stronger.
Whenever we choose to do the right thing, we enter a new level of spiritual freedom. We, too, can be like the 3 in the fire…
(1) We can be set free from the “Nebuchadnezzars” that claim to have control over our outcome.
(2) We can say no to those who try to use and manipulate us.
(3) We are free to serve our all-powerful God and say no to all other imposter’s.
In a world full of wrong choices, with God’s help, we CAN do the right thing. All we have to do is look for the 4th man in the fire.
What and WHOM will you choose today?
- Who is hurting?
- Refining Fire
I choose God.
I do what to do the right thing. May God give me the strength to do it.