Does Your Faith Have Feet?

Can you say you have compassion for someone or feel compassionate about a situation and not be moved to do something about it?  If you break the word down, doesn’t it mean “with passion”?  Passion, many times, is the very thing that causes people to do extraordinary acts in the name of Christ.  At some point in his life, the person was so moved with passion that he couldn’t help but be changed and do something.

I was driving down the road with girls in tow.  We hit a bump and Sarahjane’s doll went flying in the air and landed just far enough away from her that she couldn’t reach it.  Emmajoy was comfortably reclined back in her seat “reading” her children’s Bible when she saw the whole thing happen and remarked, “Awe, Sarahjane, I am sorry your doll fell on the floor.”

I turned my head to see the results of the terrible pothole in the road, not the driver’s maneuvers, had caused.  Ha ha!!  I sweetly asked Emmajoy to put her book down and get the doll for Sarahjane.  She exclaimed, “Mom, I am reading my Bible.  I can’t stop and get it for her.”  My sweet words quickly turned to fury as I calmly retaliated, “Emmajoy, do you know how many times I have pulled this car over for you to pick up a doll, drink, candy, or woobie?  You put your Bible down right now and get your sister’s doll.”

There are so many times we go to the Bible and leave unchanged.  We read the Word and think we have ingested it and walk away with no passion about its power.  Like Emmajoy, when the test comes, we fail big time because we never have felt compassionate about all our Savior did for us on the Cross. 

I challenge you today to truly seek compassion in your daily lives without judgment.  If your husband needs encouragement take a moment to write him a note.  If a friend is in need, go the extra mile.  If your child is in need of a special moment with you, make it happen!  Put feet to your faith and allow the Spirit”s compassion to rule your actions. 

“The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.”

Psalms 19:8b


6 thoughts on “Does Your Faith Have Feet?

  1. Michelle

    Wow! That was really great! I needed to hear that today and am feeling pretty convicted right now! Thank you for those powerful thoughts, Leigh!


  2. eph2810

    You are right Leigh. Sometimes we don’t leave our time with God changed – we just read, but don’t take to heart what He is trying to teach us.
    I like what you said “Put feet to your faith and allow the Spirit”s compassion to rule your actions.” Yes, lets put feet to our faith – maybe with His help we can make this side of heaven a better place.

    Thank you so much for sharing from your heart.

  3. LynnLynn

    Hi Liegh,

    You grabbed me with the word compassion. I really need to think about this. Thank you for a thought-provoking post. I really appreciate you.

  4. Laurel

    Leigh, thank you for this timely word and encouragement. So many times we get caught up in “learning” that we are not “doing.”
