Don’t serve leftovers

I don’t mind eating leftovers, especially if it’s something I really love. But after the second day, I’m ready to toss it!

This past weekend my husband made this amazing pasta salad. We ate on it for a couple of days, yesterday as I was looking around for something to snack on, I caught a glimpse of a small bowl of that salad left. As I bit into it, it had lost it’s appeal. Somehow, after a few days, it just was not the same.

The Israelites learned this same lesson about leftovers: God fed the Israelites in the wilderness with enough manna for each day and told them not to eat the leftovers the next day. But did they listen? Did they trust Him for provision each day? Nope – they scooped it up anyhow. And what did they discover? The leftover manna was no good. It had become rotten. (See Exodus 16:12-20).

Too many times I find myself giving God my leftovers. After I’m all used up, I offer Him what is left but God wants our first fruits, with all that we have. He wants our best in everything.

When I have guests over for dinner, I would never think of serving leftovers to them. I plan the meal carefully and buy fresh vegetables and meat and prepare it ever so carefully. Giving it my full attention and tender care. Somehow, I think that my attention and service to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings should be no different! Every day is a new day with Him, with fresh manna available from above.

Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins,For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.” (Luke 11:3-5)

There is no casual get together in His presence. He gave His all to me, so how can I offer any less in return?

Give God your finest. Your best. Don’t give Him leftovers, make God your top choice in all that you do. He’s already done that for you!


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