Envy is a Green Eyed Monster

Love is kind and does not envy

When I see or hear the word jealous, I have a vision in my head of a green eyed monster. Not a pretty picture either. But in our world today, it’s quite common to read “I’m so jealous” in a comment after a friend writes something good that happened in her life on a Facebook post.  While I realize this may be a common idiom of the times in which we live and certainly not meant to be hurtful, I can’t help but have that vision in my head.

My good friend Jamie posted a photo of her young daughter after a tennis match. She just won her match but her friend lost hers.  I love this photo Jamie captured of the two friends. Marybeth won but is consoling her friend who lost.  No gloating; just kindness.

I love this Scripture:

“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.”  Proverbs 13:4 (NIV)

There will be times when life seems to be going our way. Maybe you just purchased a new home and are so excited. Another friend may have just lost her home. I’ve experienced both situations.

I also remember a time in my younger married years when we were trying to have a baby. Despite years of trying and numerous surgeries, it was not to be. At the time so many of my friends and co-workers were getting pregnant and having babies. I was invited to so many baby showers. My heart was aching inside and yet of course I was happy for my friends.  I guess I was a bit jealous.  There I said that word; the green eyed monster!

As I’ve grown older, I’ve been learning.  I am a life long learner after all.  There are seasons in our lives.

  • The mom who feels like she never has a moment to herself
  • The grown daughter with a family of her own but now has to care for an aging parent
  • A single woman who longs to fall in love and get married
  • An older person who is so lonely and finds nobody wants to listen

I think Paul discovered the secret about being content in whatever situation you are in.

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Philippians :12-13 (NIV)

 We don’t need to allow that green eyed monster of envy come out when things aren’t so rosy in our lives. Whatever you are going through, Jesus will give you the strength you need to get through it.

As I look at the season of life I’m now experiencing, I see how He provided for me in ways I never imagined. Although I never became a mom, I get to work with a classroom of little ones every day.  They shower me with love and hugs and I thank God for them. There are even times when they accidentally call me “Mom” and then blush and say “I mean Miss Debbie”.  I just love that they are comfortable with me.  You see, God does provide what we need and when we need it in His perfect timing.

So send that green eyed monster away!  And be happy for others when they experience good things in life.

Blessings and love,

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16 thoughts on “Envy is a Green Eyed Monster

  1. Susan Stilwell

    So true, Debbie. I love the ways God provides for us. Paul was so right — sometimes He blesses us with a “thing” (opportunity, answer to prayer, unexpected gift) and other times He strengthens us with His presence. He is GOOD 🙂

    1. Debbie Post author

      Isn’t it amazing how He works in our lives? He does give us the strength. I feel so strongly about encouraging one another. That may be to rejoice when something amazing happens, cry and comfort when a friend is hurting. We are on this life journey together. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment Susan.

  2. Sally Aaronson

    Debbie, you are right on! Just yesterday I was feeling a disconnect from a family member who told me she was jealous “in a good way” that I have chosen a new path in life. It is only through my faith that I have the courage to venture into the unknown. God closes doors only to open new ones. It is our choice to walk through in faith or not. It’s about trusting, believing and staying in our truth. Jealousy and envy, even the “good kind” damage relationships.
    I love your blog and I love you!

  3. Debbie Post author

    Oh Sally, I think of you often and miss seeing your smiling face each day. But how happy I am about your new venture. I’ve been seeing such cute photos of your unique type of furniture. I know you will be successful. And I love how you wrote “God closes doors only to open new ones.” May He bless you abundantly in your life as you trust and depend on Him.

  4. Ceil

    Hi Debbie! It would be so wonderful to have an attitude like St. Paul’s. To be happy in every situation…what a spiritual gift that is! I can totally relate to your infertility issues. I remember trying not to cry when friends would share their happy news of pregnancy. Ugh. So hard.

    But being happy with what God has given me is the true key to joy in life. Jealousy just hurts me more than anything. I will join you is saying to myself “send that green monster away!”

    1. Debbie Post author

      We have both experienced the infertility issues, haven’t we Ceil? It is painful. No two ways about it. But God knows our pain and He is such a good God. He holds our life in His hands. I’ve been so thankful that I am getting to see His hand at work in my life. I know He will do that in yours too. So often we look to what we want and don’t have and then miss out on the blessings He gives us each day. Yes, let’s send that green monster away!

  5. Heather Strickland

    This made me cry, Debbie!! God is so good. I can remember not long ago when I was happy for some friends who just got a home, but was a little sad and jealous too. Now, here we are moving into our home. God knows just what we need. Thank you for encouraging me!

    1. Debbie Post author

      Those emotions are normal human ones Heather! I’ve felt them too. And yet I guess the older I get the more I see God’s hand at work in my life. My life hasn’t turned out as I planned. But God had something different in mind and His ways are always the best. He does know what you need and when you need it. His timing is best. I am so glad you can have the joy of moving into your very own home. Take delight in God’s blessings on your family Heather.

  6. Debbie

    Oh Debbie I think if we are being honest we have all had that ugly green eyed monster in our lives. NEVER good. I have both entertained him, and been the recipient of his negative and hurtful emotions. I honestly don’t know which one is worse. Your right, I have noticed that in today’s world it is OK to say, Oh I am soo jealous…in a good way. I don’t think people necessarily mean bad things by it, but there is just something wrong about it. The older and older I have gotten, the easier and easier it has become to be content with what the Lord has blessed me with. Maybe just can’t work up the energy it takes to be jealous anymore, lol. But when that ugly monster rears his head I quickly try to throw him right back out the door as it NEVER EVER goes anywhere good. Such a waste of time. Loved the verses you have used here. Hope your week-end is a good one!

  7. Debbie Post author

    Oh Deb, I get what you mean. Hopefully, we do get wiser as we get older. I too am learning to be more content with what I have. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us today.

  8. Lea

    Oh, it is all about sharing in the joy of others. I was just talking about this very thing with someone the other day and how it can be so crippling. But, it is sure hard to not allow jealousy to rare it’s ugly head when it seems that everyone else has everything going in their favor and you don’t. But, as I’ve grown older, I know that everyone is fighting a battle of some sort and we need to be sensitive to all and rejoice in their good times and happenings. Always enjoy your thoughts!

  9. Debbie Post author

    I love how you wrote “it is all about sharing in the joy of others” Lea. We all come from different life experiences so it’s not always easy for some. But with wisdom comes learning. Thanks for sharing yours.

  10. joy

    God is so good reminding us constantly not to be jealous, but be thankful because God loves us and have lots of good things in stored for us:)

  11. Lisa notes

    Finding contentment regardless of our circumstances is a never-ending challenge. 🙁 But you’re right that if we look at how the Lord has provided for us in every season, we can eliminate some of that envy right off the top. You’re always an inspiration, Debbie!