I Saw God

I saw God.

Let me explain. Lately I have discovered that my spiritual eyes have opened just a little bit wider. I’ve witnessed glimpses of God around me.

Most recently, I heard God. It was early Easter morning. You can read about that story on my Facebook page (look for the post on Sunday, April 8, 2012.)

But the story I feel compelled to tell is this one:

Several years ago, I found myself in what I would describe a very real spiritual battle. I had been praying for my unsaved husband and the spiritual warfare over him was intense.

At that time I began to pray for angels to be dispatched from the Lord’s throne to my home. To stand guard at every window and door, with their swords drawn ready to fight for me, my husband and our family.

God listened and Wow, what a battle it was. You can read that story (here). I am utterly convinced God dispatched those angels and they have been standing over this home ever since.

But, one of the amazing little miracles that came from that period of time was the doves.


In God’s Word we learn that after the flood the Lord sent a rainbow as a promise He would never again destroy the world by flood.

Genesis 9:13-15 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.

Now this might seem a little strange but in the same way God has sent a promise to me through the doves.

Ever since that time of battle, I have noticed that doves are all around. In the late afternoon two doves arrive to sit outside of my kitchen window on the fence. I see them on the back fence from time-to-time as well.

One recent morning while on my jog and praise, I spotted a dove sitting on the streetlight above the sidewalk where I was jogging. And as I finished my jog and was walking toward home during my cool-down, there it was…. the small dove flew down from the streetlight and started hoping down the sidewalk in front of me.

If you could have seen me, I burst into the broadest smile and started praising God and thanking Him for the angels that He sent to protect and care for me and my family. (yep, the neighbors think I’m strange)

I can’t help but praise the Lord …. out loud…. in the street because He is so very good to me.

Psalm 91:9 If you make the Most High your dwelling— even the LORD, who is my refuge- then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

How amazing and awesome is that passage? It’s true.

What I’m discovering is that for many, many years I really didn’t understand the God truly delights to make Himself visible. As my grandma would say, “It tickles His heart.”

But it took a long time for me to discern these glimpses. What I want for you is to learn how to see God in and around you in your daily living and to enjoy His love now and not wait years in the way that I did.

So, I’m wondering, have you seen God? Do you know how to open your Spiritual Eyes? Would you be interested to know more about how our God reveals Himself to mere humans?

Leave me a note in the comments when you caught a glimpse of God or/and give me your thoughts about the questions above.

Be blessed, Lynn

Please visit me at…..

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18 thoughts on “I Saw God

  1. Gillian

    For me it’s rainbows. The first time was at my wedding. There were 4, but I really saw them more as a reminder from heaven that my Daddy was up there watching me etc… But still, that could have been God’s doing.

    However, ever since, whenever I have seen a rainbow it has been related to my husband or his family in some way. EVERY TIME. It happened at their summer house, over their house a few times (when we lived there) and at the playground up the street from there. Once it happened just out shopping-but I was out WITH JUST my FIL. And there has been one here at our new place. Every time it reminds me that where I am is exactly where I’m meant to be, in God’s plan.

  2. LynnLynn Post author

    Thanks Denise and Gillian… Wow, neat. Reminds me of the little boy’s story about a rainbow in the book, Heaven is for Real. Cool. Have a blessed day ladies. Hugs, Lynn

  3. Karen

    I loved this, Lynn! And I love those special “hugs” from the Lord…

    My last one came several weeks ago while I was barreling down a major expressway and bemoaning all the things I needed to get done. I was on the verge of “freaking out” when I “happened” to see something out of the corner of my eye on the side of the road up ahead…

    It looked like some type of chair…just sitting straight and upright in a field with a small pond behind it…

    When I drove past and looked directly at the chair…I saw it was a recliner…

    Now this would just be considered roadside trash by anyone else…but my Father…my sweet, faithful, heavenly Father…knows my past relationships with “recliners” and immediately spoke to my heart the 23rd Psalm…and immediate peace just washed over me…

    The Good Shepherd called me to rest my mind and spirit that day…and I will never forget it!

  4. LynnLynn Post author

    Oh Karen,

    Awesome. I’v always wanted to stop sometime and go and sit in one of those abandoned chairs by the side of the road and just watch the people stare as they drive by.

    Thanks for sharing your life and the experience with me. Hugging you. Lynn

  5. Audrey

    Wow. This was beautiful and powerful! My husband and I just moved into our first home. Finally…out of a tiny apartment and into a house with a yard that our kids can play in. And can you guess what sits on our back fence, constantly singing to us? Doves! Thank you for reminding me that even though I may not always see God working in my husband, He is. He is here. Now and always. Constantly working in His perfect timing.

  6. Cathleen Rafalko

    Sweet story from your heart Lynn! Thanks for sharing… I see Father’s hand in my life everyday as I stay focused on looking for HIM. I have been walking through a very low valley the last few months in my marriage. I look for GOD’s hand in my life each day as a source of encouragement. Yesterday, a dear church friend invited me along, with her and her son, to Grounds of Sculpture, where famous paintings come alive as huge, larger than life sized sculptures! There was Monet’s bridge with a real pond and that beautiful weeping tree, alive and there to view and feel! My friend is an art teacher, so she gave our 4 children a mini art appreciation lesson and some of the bronze and steel structures we saw were amazing and took me far away from the negativity of my home life for just a day. I thank Father for the loyal, faithful, loving and compassionate friends he places in my life to encourage and pray for me. The soverignty of our Father, is one of the most treasured qualities, as I see and look for HIM in my life each day. That HE had planned each moment and trial of my life is comforting and the only possible way I could walk through this painful earthly circumstance. Thanks for allowing me to reflect on that question! Have a blessed day!

  7. LynnLynn Post author


    It’s especially sweet when we are in a low place that we have these glimpses of God. Thank you for taking time to share yours with me. I’m pryaing for you and your marriage this morning. Love and hugs, Lynn

  8. Janell Wojtwicz

    For me it was a cat while on my walk. I heard it meow under an evergreen tree and without even calling for it in a second it was nuzzling and wrapping around my legs and purring! I hadn’t had a cat do that to me since I was a kid. I rarely see any cats on my walks and this one had a tag, so it belonged to someone. I figured its owner let it out to play, but I chalked it up to God giving me a much-needed hug.

  9. Jennell

    I love your site, I learn so much. Still waiting for my sign:) Perhaps I may have missed it, I need to learn to be more observant!!
    Thanks so much!!!

  10. kathy

    Thank you lynn. I am just smiling because your devo has brought to mind many God moments…. They are so special when you know you are touched by the hand of God. Birds and butterfly moments are my favorite. But I do recall a HUGE one, right after my father’s passing. My girls and I had stayed with him and the hospice worker the last 2 weeks of his life. It was morning and I just walked into his room and could see Dad had passed and was about went to tell my girls. When Kelly came in and yelled Grandpa is going to be OK.. Look outside mom. There in the backyard was this huge Buck and two does.. They looked at us and than fled. Watching for deer was my fathers passion. It made the girls and I smile. We knew he was ok and in the hands of God…. Blessings to you Lynn. I love following your writing. It is so special. Kathy

  11. Melissa

    I was going for a much needed walk, talking to God all the way, and listening too. He started talking back and instructing me to write the thoughts down. I had nothing to write with but went to look in my vehicle anyway. Found paper, but still-no pen. He guided me over to a picnic table where someone left several markers. WOW! Another time, having to do with writing also. I prayed and prayed for a nudge on how I could start a writing career. I was in church and a member, who owned a magazine (didn’t know this at the time) NUDGED me. He said that his wife heard a reading of mine and liked it. Then asked if I’d be interested in a job!!!!! I love that he wanted me to know that he heard my exact words. 🙂

  12. Sandy

    Lynn, I just read the comments in your page and I have been through a very rough and lonely time lately with my brothers and sister who have accused me of not notifying them when my dad passed away over 8 yrs. ago. I do remember being so harried so not where I should have been feeling it and feeling like I needed to be in prayer but, not there, being defensive and very on edge. A lot going on in me; guilt and torment; still working out a lot of that…anyway I never got a last peaceful conversation with my dad and the last day I had any live contact with him I had gotten up and went over to the hospital with my mom and I was on edge with her and I wasnt there 5 mins. he raised his hand in the air and I went over to his bedside and held his hand and he squeezed it tight like he did when he wanted you to know he meant Love to you and he was waving his hand in the air and I asked him what he was doing and he said I am waving at God with a smile on his face and his eyes fixed upward; I am still kind of numb and needy but, I am so thankful that as I read one of the posts it reminded me that I am blessed I had that last time of Love with my dad, my Father God knew where I was then and he knows where I am now and I NEED him badly. Sandy

  13. LynnLynn Post author

    Oh Sandy,

    I just feel your heart break. My sister, I will be praying for you. God gave you a glimpse. He is with you my friend, very near. Believe and let Him lead you. Love you, Lynn

  14. Tejas

    That’s great! So often God speaks to us yet we fail to discern it because we’re so busy with our everyday lives! It’s great that ultimately, you were able to recognize that it was God showing himself to you.

  15. LynnLynn

    My friend, you can also know God but it’s more than head knowledge. God wants to love you and He wants your heart forever. Get yourself a Daily Bible in the New Living Translation and make a commitment to get up and spend 20 minutes reading and talking to God. It will change your life. RUN into the arms of the Lord who has waited so very long for you. Through the drugs the parties, the lies, the rebellion. He loves you Priscilla with a passion and a fire and is desperate for you to experience Him in very powerful and real ways. But, it takes a little effort on our part. God is not cheap. He is worth a little effort and if you want to see the miracles that effort is the most important thing in the world.

    I love Jesus and have witnessed His power, love and grace. It took me a long time to get to this place in my relationship with the Lord but it has been worth every tear, prayer and effort. Realign your week to attend church on a Saturday night or Sunday morning. Attend a Spirit filled, Bible teaching church and then my friend…. BEHOLD watch as everything in your life changes and you will see all that God has stored up for you. Love you my friend, Lynn