In God Alone…

I’m the youngest child in a family of eight.  Consequently, when I was growing up there were always people around that I could count on to be there for me when I needed them.  However, inevitably as happens in life there were times when they let me down in spite of their well meaning intentions.  To be fair I’ve done the same also.

But it just goes to prove that no matter how good our intentions are we disappoint others.  We are human, we make mistakes and we unknowingly cause pain.  Sometimes it’s not easy to let go of the pain that others cause us even when it wasn’t deliberate.  We often want to hold on to it and allow the hurt to grow instead of letting it go.  We refuse to allow God to heal the wounds left on our heart or rid us of the disappointments we experience because of our expectations of others.

However in times like these we need to remind ourselves that the people we place our trust in are flesh and blood just like we are.  They make mistakes.  They say and do the wrong thing.  Only God alone is perfect.  In the words of the psalmist in God alone my hopes comes from…

My soul is quiet and waits for God alone. My hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and the One Who saves me. He is my strong place. I will not be shaken. Psalm 62:5-6 (NLV)

Does that mean we shouldn’t depend on our family, our friends, the people around us…? No it doesn’t. The world would be a lonely and depressing place if we had no one we feel we could count on.  It simply means that ultimately God is the only one in our lives who never fails.


6 thoughts on “In God Alone…

  1. Wanda

    A beautiful reminder Bernadine. In Him alone do we find all that we need. Thank goodness for a God that never fails.

  2. Iris

    Thank you for the reminder that truly God is the only one we fully can depend on. You are right that we should depend on family and friend, but God is the one that sees us through the really dark time.

  3. Bethany

    Thank you for this reminder, I needed to read that today, especially the reminder about others being just human and making mistakes just like I do. So true. God bless you.

  4. Judy

    Hi Bernadine,

    Love this post. When we rely on God and trust in Him alone, he puts people in our lives to help us. A miracle indeed. Have a wonderful weekend.


  5. Karen

    This post brings to mind the song:

    “In Christ alone my hope is found,
    He is my light, my strength, my song;
    This Cornerstone, this solid ground,
    Firm through the fiercest drought and storm”

    Firm…faithful…that’s our God!

    I like what Judy said about the Lord placing people we can depend on in our path when we trust and rely on Him…