God Gives us People Who are Good for Us

Have you ever lost so much that it seemed like you had nothing left?

We all lose things (or people) that were once precious to us and once they are gone, we can be left feeling so empty and lost. One of the times that I felt this way was when I “lost” my mother. By saying I lost my mother, I mean she left this earth, she passed away. So many people refer to death as something lost. But my mother was a Christian, so as I see it, she was not lost, but found. And that is such a rewarding thought for me to hold onto, even to this day.

I have to admit though, during the time of my grief and sorrow, I never felt so alone and isolated from people. I suppose this describes how Naomi in the Bible must have felt. First her two sons married women who were not Israelites, which had to have broken Naomi’s heart. And then Naomi’s husband died. And as if that was not enough heartache, both of her sons died, leaving her with no grandchildren to carry on the family name. Naomi was left with nothing.

At a time when Naomi needed something (someone), God placed the very thing that she needed at that time in her life. God gave her a special friend, who was also the wife of her son. Ruth came along side Naomi and took care of her when Naomi could not take care of things. Ruth worked to take care of Naomi and she supported her the best that she could. Even though Naomi was sad and depressed, the kindred spirit that she had with Ruth began to bring her out of her sad and depressed state.

God often will give us people who are good for us, even if they are not the kind of people that we would choose. A true friend will love us and stick by us no matter what; thru thick and thin, thru love and heartache and thru life and death.

(Proverbs 17:17) “A true friend loves at all times.”

To have a friend like Ruth would be great but even better would be if we all could BE a Ruth to someone. If you have lost something or someone, may you find a Ruth in your Naomi world and be blessed and encouraged.


*for more daily devotions, find me on my womentakingastand facebook page.


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