Happy Heavenly Father’s Day

My dad is a great father. Even when my brother and I were young and trying he had almost unlimited patience. (He had to use a lot more with my brother than with me!)

Father's DayHe spent a lot of time with us. I have fond memories of fishing, waterskiing, family vacations, and many hours playing games and cards around the kitchen table.

Dad also worked hard to make sure I learned skills and discipline I would need for life. He taught me perseverance, the value of hard work, and how to spend money wisely. For instance, I had chores I hated, like raking pine straw in the yard.

He put Jesus first and modeled Christian love and service. He always helped others in need and served the church and its people tirelessly.

It’s easy for me to visual God as the perfect heavenly Father because my earthly father, although not perfect, was a wonderful example. However, many earthly fathers are absent or abusive or hurtful or distant.  So many believers understandably struggle with embracing God as Father.

Rather than try to picture our heavenly Father based on any earthly example, today let’s simply see how the Bible describes our heavenly Father. Here is a list of characteristics God’s Word uses to describe His fatherly role:

  • God is Father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5)
  • God the Father draws us to Jesus for salvation (John 6:44)
  • He adopts us as His own child (Romans 8:15)
  • He loves us (1 John 1:3)
  • He is tender and compassionate (Psalm 103:13)
  • He is merciful and comforting (2 Corinthians 1:3)
  • He gives good gifts to His children (Matthew 7:11, James 1:17)
  • He knows our every need and cares about them (Matthew 6:8)
  • He values you (Matthew 6:26)
  • He disciplines us because you for our good (Hebrews 12:7-10)
  • He has an eternal inheritance waiting for us (Colossians 1:3)

No matter what your earthly father was like, your heavenly Father is perfect. You can depend on Him. You can trust Him. He will never let you down. Happy Heavenly Father’s Day!

Which of these fatherly characteristics mean the most to you today? Why?


3 thoughts on “Happy Heavenly Father’s Day

  1. Iris

    The fatherly characteristics that means the most to me is that He values me. With that feeling I know that I can come to Him with everything; every hurt, every disappointment.