Hit or Miss?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your pantry paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6


      Climb or throw? That’s the question I ask myself every time I have something to put away on the top shelf of my pantry (because I’m short). If I throw it, I have a 50/50 chance of making it into the spot I’m aiming at, but just as often as it makes it, it comes back at me and I have to try again. It takes longer for me to get the step stool and climb up two steps to reach the spot, but I am 100 % sure I will get it in the right place because I can see where it goes from the top of the stool and I can reach it from there.

      In the same way, I can start my day with the same kind of hit or miss, trial and error when I don’t stop and take the time to open God’s word and take in His truth for the day. When I don’t meet with Him in prayer but instead start running through the day trying to fit things where I think they belong by throwing them in places I can’t fully see…by just guessing where they go. I don’t have a very good chance of getting it right.

      Things fit so much better when I take time to inquire as to what God’s plans are for the day. He brings my understanding higher up the step stool where I can see more clearly. He has planned every detail of the day and knows where the pieces fit the best.

      I have a choice today and so do you. Will we climb the stool and get His perspective, or go it on our own, in our own understanding and try to throw things into place? I think it’s worth the time and worth the climb, don’t you?



2 thoughts on “Hit or Miss?

  1. Iris

    I totally agree, Charlotte. If I start my day without spending time with God, my day becomes a hit and miss.