Hope Springs Anew…

It is so easy, almost effortless to stand firm, to trust in God when everything is going well. It is easy to have faith when before you even finish praying your answer is at the door. However, how do you hold on to hope when it seems as if the thing you pray for most seem to be the one prayer that is not answered?

I was seven or eight years old when my mom began preaching the gospel and going on mission trips, at that time none of her eight children or her husband were Christians. She testified often of how she would sometimes feel almost embarrassed to be preaching the gospel to others and none of her household were saved. However she still preached. She said she would often pray, “God, save someone in my family, even if you just save my baby Bernadine”

In his epistle to the Jewish believers James emphasizes endurance and perseverance. He tells the believers that when they ask God something in faith they are to hold fast to his promises without wavering. I have seen my mother stand firm when it seemed like the prayer she longed to see answered most would not be answered.

It was about six or seven years before any of us became Christians. I don’t think I was first but I wasn’t far behind. One by one we, including my dad, accepted Christ until there was one left, the oldest. Unfortunately he was a stubborn one and an alcoholic but, my mom never stop praying and never gave up. Last year she died, like the patriarchs of old, having only seen the promise a far off but we continued praying in her stead.

Two weeks ago my oldest sibling return home after spending four months in an alcoholic rehabilitation center where he checked himself into. Consequently, by God’s grace, he will be spending his first sober Christmas in over twenty years (Thank you Lord!) Not only that, it was a Christian based program and he is talking about how he knows that it was only God that enabled him to stay the course. I know he still has a difficult road ahead of him especially since he hasn’t accepted Christ yet, but hope springs anew that he soon will…

So, to all of you who have unanswered prayer and you’re wondering if they’ll ever be answered I encourage you to,

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Also, allow hope to spring anew in your heart this Christmas season. Don’t give up! Don’t stop dreaming, don’t stop trying, don’t stop believing, don’t stop hoping, and don’t stop praying because God is listening!

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6 thoughts on “Hope Springs Anew…

  1. AngieAngie

    Praise the Lord! Your mother’s prayer is about to be answered! God is good and never forgets the prayers of His saints! This was an awesome post!!!

  2. Linda

    I hope yours and your mothers prayers will be answered. Every family has someone, or more that they plead God for, those who keep us in communion with God.

  3. LynnLynn


    This post was written just for me. I feel much better to be reminded of our promises and to continue to pray. Continue to trust. Thank you.

  4. eph2810

    Bernadine – what a powerful testimony to God’s faithfulness and His grace. Sometimes it is amazing to me how God honors our prayers. Even the prayers of the saints gone before us. Thank you so much for sharing the story of your family. I can’t wait to meet your mom in heaven one day…
    Praying that your brother will receive Him this Christmas season.

    Blessings to you and yours.

    BTW – my security word is Jesus this morning 🙂