In Search of Peace

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There have been times when I rambled through my day,

stumbled, it seem along the way.

But just a pause it took  to see,

all He’s really wanting is me.

I remember the Sunday afternoon I took this picture.  2012 Bolivia.  I had watched her the year before, and here she was again.  This past year I didn’t see her–I hope that she no longer begs, I hope she’s cared for and loved by family or friends…but the fact is, she may have died.

I begin to wonder–did anyone ever tell her about Jesus?

Did she have the opportunity to become acquainted with His love?

I’m more aware of that than I used to be.

In 2008 I went to a “She Speaks” conference, came home all rearing to tell the world of Jesus’ love.  Yet I failed my first test because I stopped too long to try and figure out how my words would sound falling on another’s ears.

Thankfully, God graciously gave me another chance the following day-and I made sure I took advantage of it.  Anymore, I try and never let a chance pass that I don’t tell someone of the goodness and love of Jesus.

There may be someone who crosses your path today–that needs to know of His love.  Will you pause and let them hear your story?  Only you can tell it–just as only I can tell mine.  Let them know they are “loved”…and just how much?

To the ends of the earth, His arms stretched wide, encompassing all who would come and abide.

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.  John 15:4  KJV


© Angie Knight 2015.  The Knightly News blog.  All rights reserved. Used by permission. Photography © Angie Knight 2012.  Used by permission.  All rights reserved.  


7 thoughts on “In Search of Peace

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    1. Angie

      Thank you Marsha. As I read your words a thought came to me– all my words should always point to Christ– if they point to me- they are failing in their job. Just as I failed miserably to share the love of Jesus with my assignment. I wrote about it several years ago. Her name was Wanda. Significant for several reasons and because of what God was doing in me- and I failed to see. I was caught up in flesh. How I would be perceived by a total stranger named Wanda. In Gods great mercy- He gave me another chance. (I cried all the way home from work the day of my failure to act) God gives us assignments and sometimes I obey- and then there are times — I fail.
      On that day- I should not have thought of how it would sound- but rather Who I was talking about.
      Thank you sweet friend. You are an inspiration to my heart!

    1. Angie

      Thank you Iris! I’m so grateful for what He shows us- what He trusts us with daily. And for Grace when I make a mess of things. 🙂