Just proving I am human…

There would be a wonderful, well thought out devotional here if:

a. my palm pilot did not die this week with my schedule on it.

b. I was not madly cleaning my in-laws house before they return from Minnesota on Friday.

c. I was not pre-occupied with my in-laws dog having to be put to sleep last night.

In all honesty I have no real excuse. I am only asking for your forgiveness. I promise, I will post something well thought out next time.

Heavenly Father, thank you for always being there. Thank you for never forgetting about us, even when we let things slip OUR minds. Lord forgive me for being a little unorganized. I love you. May everyone who visits here be extra blessed today.


14 thoughts on “Just proving I am human…

  1. Casey

    THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! YOU are an answer to prayers. It IS ok to forget things sometimes! BUT look at what you DID do. You did something sweet for your in-laws by cleaning their house, and you mourned the loss of the dog. Your palm pilot dying isn’t your fault. God has you right where He wants you. Loving Him.

  2. Michelle

    Awww, so sorry about all of that. One of those weeks! I pray this next week is much better for you!

  3. eph2810

    (((hugs))), Laurel. I am sorry you have so many things to deal with…we all forget things — well I do 🙂 I am a little disorganized myself.

  4. MollyCoddled

    You handled it beautifully. Your humble apology allowed others the opportunity to extend grace to you and everyone is blessed just as you prayed. You are so sweet, Laurel.

    Hope next week is a little less hectic for you.

  5. LindaLinda

    Oh Laurel – we all have those sorts of weeks. I pray you’ll get everything done you need to do – and then enjoy your family!

  6. Millie

    So cute a post. We are human being, so sometimes we may make some little mistake…but the Lord still love us and will mold us to be better than yesterday.

  7. Debbie

    Of course you’re forgiven! We are all women, wives, and mothers here. WE completely understand having soooo many things to juggle and sometimes EVERYTHING can’t be done!
    I think WE place higher expectations on ourselves than others and we feel that we have failed when we don’t meet them. YOU HAVE NOT FAILED! 🙂

    Blessings to you!

  8. Terri

    You’re too cute. Your post is blessing all of us that are human and forget things!