King of Wonder

“I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart; I will tell of all Thy wonders. I will be glad and exult in Thee; I will sing praise to Thy name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:1

When is the last time you stopped and watched in wonder some of the simple things of life and said, “Thank You, Lord?”   They are everywhere around you, every second, every breath is a gift, a wonder.

Walk with me through the lens of my camera. Stop and ponder the simple, the overlooked, and the majesty of an astounding Creator, King of Wonder.

The sound of a young child laughing at absolutely nothing.

Light shimmering on the surface of water like diamonds.

Words of love etched into the sand. One of the greatest wonders of all is the love between a man and a woman.

Have you ever wondered if God has a sense of humor? Just observe a  wild turkey the net time you are in the woods.

How does a tender green shoot push it’s way through inches of snow, bringing with it the hope of Spring.

The fresh scent of clothing brought in from the clothes line.

A simple act of  remembrance.  Do you find yourself wondering about the legacy this loved one left behind?

The strong shelter of an oak tree int he middle of a field. Do you wonder how it got there? What animals are given shelter both in it and under it?

When’s the last time you were so enthralled with snow that you wanted to catch a snowflake on your tongue to see what it felt and tasted like?

Does seeing a cardinal taking shelter in an evergreen tree capped in snow bring to mind a Scripture to thank Him for?

“Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow…” Isaiah 1:18

Have you stood in awe of the majestic sky after a storm? As it reminded you to praise Him in the midst of your own personal storm?

When is the last time you picked a dandelion and blew on it to watch it explode and spread it’s seeds?

Have you gazed upon a perfect mirror image and asked the Lord to create within you a clean heart so you can reflect Him?

Thank You, Lord! You ARE the King of Wonder!

*All pictures are copyright of Marsha’s Musings. Please ask before using. Thank you.*

Marsha's Musings

Marsha's Musings

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7 thoughts on “King of Wonder

  1. Mary

    King of wonder, glorious creator…
    so much we can miss if we don’t pay attention

    pray you are doing well.

    grace and peace to you

  2. Lori

    Beautiful….this is the stuff of life! The good stuff….God is in every waking moment….Blessings to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ! Lori

  3. Andie

    This is wonderful Marsha! We need more moments like these. I love the pictures, they are filled with hope and joy.

  4. MicheleMichele

    Thank you sis for taking my turn. You were meant to do the devotion today too. Thank you for the reminder to take in His awesome beautiful all around us!