Laying Down My Weapon–Again!

Have you ever watched someone get arrested either in person or on TV? The scene plays out something like this: “Drop your weapon. Put your hands above your head,” officers yell as they point guns at the suspect, ducking behind their squad cars. If the criminal surrenders his weapon, the police move in. Sometimes the assailant cooperates. Other times he attacks. Either way, it’s intense. Eventually they handcuff the guy and frisk him for possible hidden weapons. You know the rest. They say, “You have a right to remain silent. . .” and then he is escorted to the police station for finger printing, ect.

I’ve been arrested again this week. I attacked someone with my hidden weapon and got caught. By God’s love. I’ve fought hard to hold on to my ammunition. Finally I grew weak enough to let go. “OK, I give up,” And with that, I felt instant relief. I didn’t really want to win anyway. I wanted to be caught and captured all over again. Have you been there?

My weapon this week? My words. I use them to protect my heart and wound others.

How did I lay my weapon down? Through much wrestling and finally surrendering in prayer.

“Heavenly Father, forgive me. I’ve learned this lesson about my mouth over and over. Like the Israelites, I wander around the same mountain again and again. Not learning or changing, instead grumbling. Something I carry must go: my treasured weapon—my words of war. Take them, Lord. They are not worth clinging to. They are heavy. I’m better off with nothing—no weapon. No bags. No extras. Just you and me.

As your soldier, if I need something to protect me, remind me to grab the greatest weapon—the sword of the Spirit. Holy Spirit, together we can go the distance, carrying only truth and love. Lord, you are my fortress, my strong tower, my present need in times of trouble. Help me to live in the overflow of your grace. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen”

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9 thoughts on “Laying Down My Weapon–Again!

  1. eph2810

    You are right, Tiffany – sometimes our words are a powerful weapon. They can hurt a person just as bad as a gun or knife…I too have be careful with the words that come out of my mouth…

    Thank you so much for sharing your honest heart with us and encourage us to be more careful with what we say.

  2. Grace

    One time we stopped at the drugstore. It was closed. There was a policeman nearby… I asked, in innocence, “So what’s the hold-up?”
    Yes, there had been a robbery! 🙂

  3. Tracy

    Well said, Tiffany. I plead guilty to this one, too. Our words are so amazingly powerful, for the good or for the bad. Thanks for sharing.

    Tracy = )

  4. Susan

    Hey Tiffany,

    I’m so glad God continues to arrest us.

    …because the Lord disciplines those he loves. (Heb.12:6a)

    Keep your heart tender towards his voice.

    Love you and pray you are having a very fruitful week?

  5. Robin

    I lived this to my shame today. I’m a bit stir crazy with bed rest and the frustration of not being able to do what I need to my house and I lost the battle in a bad way today. Pray that this lesson is imbedded in my heart and mind. I’ve learned it before…but it seems I need a refresher course…

    Great thoughts Tiffany! Thank you for the vulnerability you shared and the hope you give by your words…

  6. LynnLynn


    My verse James 1:19… I say this verse almost every day. Sometimes hour by hour. I get you girl. Hugs!