The “all things” of your life

“I can do all things – 

through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13


      How many times have you read this verse? I’ve read it many times. It’s etched in the leather that covers my Bible. I’ve reminded myself of it over and over again, and have often even chosen to believe it. It is one thing to read it, to say it, and quite another to really know it and do it.

      Sometimes the real knowing doesn’t come until the doing. When faced with something that cannot possibly be done in human strength, we have a choice – to believe those words, or not.

      Sometimes the “all things” doesn’t seem like it could possibly contain the one thing we’re being asked to do, but it does. It is only in the doing of it, the living of it, and trusting Christ to be enough to get through it, that we learn He truly is our strength. We learn that this one thing fits into the “all things” along with every other thing we are asked to do. When all things are done through Christ, He becomes the strength we need to do them.

      Whatever you face today, whatever you are asked to do – it is a part of the “all things” you can do – If you do them through Christ…He will strengthen you!


In His strength,


His grace is sufficient…

His strength is made perfect in weakness…

For when I am weak, then I am strong! (2 Cor. 12:9-10)

4 thoughts on “The “all things” of your life

  1. Iris

    Amen to that, Charlotte. Philippians 4:13 is also my life-verse. Like you said, we read it, we hear it, but also need to believe it. In Christ we do have the strength to do all things.