I AM the Light of the World-

Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” -John 8:12
Have you ever walked in darkness? Stumbled around in the pitch black? It is hard to walk in darkness. When the power goes out and there is no light, you find yourself groping around in what was once familiar places, sometimes to stub your toe on chair you have sat in a million times. What is even worse is when you find yourself in an UNFAMILIAR place in the dark. It can be very scary. It is easy to lose your footing, easy to lose your way. Have you ever been driving when it has gotten so dark that even your headlights aren’t enough light to navigate with confidence through unfamiliar territory?Jesus says that we don’t have to stumble, we don’t have to fall. We don’t have to fear the darkness. We don’t have to lose our footing or our confidence. He is the LIGHT. He will shine in our darkness. He is like a lighthouse pointing the way, the direction for us to go.

Have you ever been in such a terrible situation, going through such difficult circumstances that it feels like darkness is surrounding you, engulfing you? Do you feel hopeless in your darkness? Jesus wants to shine through that darkness. Psalm 139 says, “even the darkness will not be dark to you (God); the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.”

No darkness can hold God in- even the darkness becomes like day. God’s light shines in the darkness. God will make the darkest night, the most hopeless of circumstances shine like day.

Jesus, thank you for being our Light. I praise you. I worship you. I follow you.

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2 thoughts on “LIGHT

  1. Iris

    You are right; darkness is scary. I am so glad that He shines His light in my life.

    Thank you for the reminder that we are never alone, no matter how hopeless the situation.