A Listening Heart


The scenery in the movie “Out of Africa” is absolutely breath-taking. I could watch it over and over again just to get a glimpse of those magnificent pictures of Africa. I am also mesmerized by the beautiful stories the heroine tells. In one story she tells of a man who had “a listening heart”. Those words touched something inside my own heart, and I have never forgotten them.

A ” listening heart” – an apt description of  the Heavenly Father, for surely His is a listening heart. When I think of all the noise that fills our world and of the multiplied thousands of voices raised to Him in prayer at any given moment, it is of infinite comfort to know that He hears my voice as though I was the only person in the whole world. For those moments I am His only child, and He inclines His ear to me.

But He doesn’t just hear the words I speak; He hears my heart. In those moments when I don’t have words to express my deepest yearnings,  He understands. When I am afraid, He tenderly draws me in. When I ache with the hurts of life, His compassionate heart feels just what I feel. When I weep, His tears are mingled with my own. When I rejoice, His heart overflows with joy. When I am burdened with guilt and remorse, His heart is filled with mercy and grace. When my heart overflows with love for Him, He responds with a love that knows no bounds. When I have a heart filled with gratitude, His heart is blessed.

What comfort, what joy to know that I am known by the Living God is such a way. He listens to me with His heart.

Oh to have a heart that listens; to hear more than just the words. I want to hear the heart of those who speak to me – to hear the notes below the melody that reveal the true feelings. I want to listen with compassion and grace. I want to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. I want to give the gift of a listening heart.

And above all else I want to hear His voice as He gently whispers into my heart.



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