Love in Action

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends… These things I command you, so that you will love one another.” ~ John 15: 12-13, 17
(ESV emphasis mine)

Making photography one of your hobbies (passion) in Arizona is not easy. You see, running around in 110F degrees taking photos is not pleasant; you sweat a lot (that is an understatement).

You are wondering why I would run around in that kind of heat? No, I am not insane; I love. Let me explain: after our son moved out last year, we were looking for a hobby my beloved and I would both enjoy. Since we both like photography from a very young age, we both got ‘grown-up’ cameras this past spring. What fun would it be to have to wait until the weather would be cool enough to take photos?

Sure, some days I would have rather stayed home in the comfort of A/C, read a book, blog, or work on some digital LO’s. I didn’t because I wanted to spend as much of my available free time with my beloved. Since my beloved wanted to take photos I endured the heat. I laid down my life (desires) because of the love I have for my husband.

The days I really didn’t feel like going out, I remembered the sacrifice my Savior endured for me. I know that Jesus sweated blood when praying to our Heavenly Father (Luke 22:44). He asked that the cup to be removed if it were God’s will. Maybe even at one point Jesus ‘didn’t feel like’ traveling the bloody road to Calvary for me…

Jesus commanded us to love others as He has loved us. So my little sacrifice of enduring heat during the summer months is very small compared to my Lord’s sacrifice. I have to admit that the sweating, drinking water instead of soda, did me good. Not only did I learn more about photography, spent time with my beloved, I also lost some extra pounds…

How can you put your love in action today? Even if it means to lay down your own desires, it is well worth it. If it is hard for you, just remember the words of our Lord in John – or the sacrifice He made for you at Calvary…

“Lord of Heaven and Earth. You have commanded us to love others as You have loved us. It is hard at times to lay down our own desires to follow Your command. Lord, keep us mindful of Your sacrifice; any ‘sacrifices’ we make to put our love in action pales in comparison. Lord, thank You for Your wondrous love that saved us! Lord, help us to love the way You love. In the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen.”


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5 thoughts on “Love in Action

  1. Laurel

    I think of that when I sit out in the humid heat all day every Saturday to watch three different football games. I don’t like football, but I do it because it is important to my sons. =)

  2. LynnLynn

    Hi Iris,

    As a woman who lived for 25 years in the Las Vegas heat….. I “GET” you…. It is brutal and relentless so I understand your giving heart to be out in it…

    Iris, always your loving and giving heart encourages me. Thank you.

  3. Marsha

    Iris, thank you for demonstrating Christ’s love in action, not just to your husband, but to us. I don’t do well in heat and humidity, so I’m totally amazed at your actions!

    Blessings, sister.