Loving His Precepts

 I am thy servant; give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies. It is time for thee, Lord, to work: for they have made void thy law.

Psalm 119:125-126


Evil is everywhere in our society, in every city, country, and province. There’s no shortage of wickedness or deceitfulness. What I do see a short of in our society is, detest for sin (transgression of the law). We see way more people who aren’t bothered by human beings being killed (in and out of the womb), the breakdown of marriage, and even the “small” wicked acts. More people are okay with those than when I was in high school almost 14 years ago. The psalmist had a deep love for the Father and for His commands (rules, instructions, laws). In the book of Psalm, specifically in chapter 119, we see the poetic way he expresses His love for God and His commands.

When we break God’s commands, it should break our hearts. We should hate that we have broken something God set before us. Whether it’s lying, stealing, coveting, or bearing false witness, we should be broken and sorrowful. When we love God’s words like the psalmist did, we will mourn like he did over sin in our lives. It’s not a popular topic, but it’s so important. The Father has so much good for us. He knows what is best for our lives. He loves us! He desires us to read His words and act on them. He is there when we sin and ready to forgive us. When we turn away from the wickedness, He is there.

It should break our hearts when others break God’s commands also. We should pray for one another (even for those who do not live according to God’s instructions because they still will be judged by them) and be accountable to one another. That’s the beauty of community and the body of Jesus. We can lean on one another and confide in one another when we feel pressured or tempted. Sin still disgusts God. He hasn’t changed His mind towards sin when it’s committed. BUT Jesus’ blood was the sacrifice that trumped all sacrifices. His blood covers us if we are in a relationship with him. It covers us when we miss the mark and do sin. That’s the mercy of the Father. He is faithful and just to forgive us if we ask for it.

So may we not be found among the deceitful and unfaithful ones. May we have affection for God’s commands and may we act on them, not just memorize them. They are life to our bones.

P.S.– I’ve been studying Psalm 119 with a wonderful group of ladies online. It’s been such a beautiful time of digging into the words of God and learning things I’ve never known before. If you get the chance study that chapter and search out the Hebrew meanings of words. It will really amaze you!

Father, thank You for being righteous and holy. Thank You for setting a standard and for giving us instructions to govern our lives by. Help us to hate sin and to turn from it. Help us to pray for one another and lift one another up. May we love Your righteousness and love Your commands. May we be a light to others around us. May we trust all the You say is good and all that You say is evil. Help us to turn from wickedness and deceit and turn to Your Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



3 thoughts on “Loving His Precepts

  1. Pingback: Loving His Precepts | Becoming Titus 2 Women

  2. Iris

    You are right; there is much wickedness in the world. I think that it always has been, but with today’s fast circulation through the internet, it is amplified. May God use us to shine His light in to the world.