Many Born Again Believers are Being Fed a False Belief

    “But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.” 11 Corinthians 11:3:4

Paul is speaking to the Corinthian church warning them of false beliefs. Beliefs that look good on the outside but are actually offering up a false Jesus. During this time there were false prophets preaching that if you became a Christian then you will be guaranteed good health and wealthy.

    Matthew 24:11 says, “And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.”

Sometimes we take for grated how cunning the serpent can be. What would be the best way to bring down the church? I suggest it would be to attack it from within. If you attack the church from the outside we can be a mighty force to reckon with, but if false beliefs and a “false Jesus” begin to make their way into our belief system then Satan can divide and conquer.

There is a dangerous movement that says we can change our realities based on our faith words. If we only speak positive words, then we can change the reality of cancer, obesity, etc.. This movement says we can change our future with our words. People who teach this are shepherds presenting a false Jesus.

Some false religions are easy to spot, but others are very close to God’s word that if you are not daily studying God’s word, you could easily believe what they are saying. In reality, what they are presenting is a false Jesus. Unfortunately many born again believers have fallen prey to the movement that your faith words can bring about reality. Preachers that teach this false movement commonly take scripture out of context.

Many of us search for God in the wrong place, our faith and prayers are designed to draw us closer to God (not to change reality). I am the first person to tell you that reading books are important, but I also know the Truth is only in the bible. Do not allow some of these very popular Christian books that are topping the New York’s Best seller list tell you how to think biblically.

Many Christians are being fed spiritually by these books and many of our biblical beliefs are giving way to modern day pop cultural beliefs. Christian books are important and we learn a lot from the authors past and present, but do not let them set your biblical foundation. Check everything you read with the scriptures in the bible and double check the context of the scripture.

I believe the time is now to fervently pray for discernment and wisdom. Ask the Lord if there is anything in your belief system that does not line up with the God in the bible. Rely on the bible’s words not the words of some of these very popular false teachers.

    “Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. 31So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.” Acts 20:30-31

Heavenly Father, I pray that we are not swayed by what looks and sounds good to our ears, that we rely only on your truth. I ask that the Holy Spirit guide us and convict us of any false beliefs we may have. You have warned us that false teachers will arise and lead many well meaning Christians astray. I pray for each person who will read this devotional and for myself, that you will protect us from false beliefs and help us to only build our foundation on The Rock. The rock being Jesus Christ of the bible. Amen.

God’s Girl,


21 thoughts on “Many Born Again Believers are Being Fed a False Belief

  1. DanaDana

    Amen!! I am amazed at just how much I am hearing about these books and how they have “changed my view of God.” Yet, when held up against the Bible, they are false and teach very incorrectly. Great post, and great warning! Thank you 🙂

  2. eph2810

    Amen to that, Lori. I it is so true that some movements are within the church. Like you said, Christ warned us about them. I always see the books I am reading as a possible enhancement, but not as absolute truth…Thank you for speaking out-loud… The real Jesus can only be found in the Bible.

  3. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Lori, Great words of encouragement here today. The Bible warns us to not be deceived and in order to not fall for false teachings we must know the difference between what is real and what is fake. Reading and studying Gods Word is the only way to know what is real!

  4. LynnLynn


    Just this past week I watched a segment on the national news which profiled a man as a “spiritual leader.” It was so scary to think about the millions who are deceived. These scriptures you listed here lept into my mind. Great post… Oh, how we must be in the Word every. single. day. Thank you.

  5. Debbie

    Although I am a book lover, I also believe that the Bible is to be our main source. Man can write eloquent words but he or she is still human. The Bible was written through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Men and women let us down, but the Truth of God’s Word never does.

    I’ve learned not to look at high profile spiritual leaders as my guru (so to speak). I’ve seen too many fall and then their followers stop following the Lord. Keep your eyes on Jesus, read the Bible, pray and listen to Him alone.

    Great post Lori and one to ponder, especially today.

  6. Linda

    How very true your post is. I have seen this happen in my church which is no longer because of one who came to be the shepherd. He led very many astray.
    I could not believe what I saw happening before my very eyes. People I loved and knew that had been taught the truth were being led down the wrong path. It split the church and very devasting effects. Ultimately the church had to close the building.
    Paul warned of wolves coming in among the sheep.

  7. pttyann

    Hi Lori
    This is such a powerful and needed post for so many are running after these False teachings just as God’s word said they would,it’s so sad to hear some say I’ve turned from Christianity to be atheist or any other form of religion.Just causing themselves so much pain & for some family members also follow them it’s so sad.Thanks for sharing and for your prayer.
    Love in Christ Pat

  8. Laurie Ann

    How very true, Lori. I believe in positive thinking, but not that actually speaking words can make me be something God may not have in mind for me to be. I pray that we all look to God’s truth rather than sharp dressed men and women who read and write books that water down God’s gospel.

  9. little i

    My husband and i have discussed this, as he recently read a best-seller that i think probably fits in this category. He asked me to read it, and something about it just feels wrong. It’s just…strange? i guess that’s the best word. On the surface it seems positive but…

    The devil can draw a very fine line for us to cross, to be sure!

  10. Marsha

    So true! The serpent is out to deceive us that’s for sure! My heart is so grieved over some of books I see in Christian book stores and the number of shows on religious stations that are nothing but promoting themselves and prosperity theology among other false gospels.

    Thanks for this post, Lori.

  11. Amydeanne

    I like to say “show me the perfect church and i’ll show you it’s a cult”… there is nothing perfect because of our human nature.. on Christ can be and is perfect always.
    I am sad as I watch and see a lot of my friends just not getting it.. their relationships suffer with God b/c of their lack of commitment to him because of the distractions of satan.
    A powerful post Lori!

  12. Vicki

    Lori, what an excellent post for our times. Thank you for speaking up on this critical topic. I know several people who embrace the Word Faith system, and it’s hard to talk to them about truth without someone getting upset. May the Lord open our eyes through the truth of His Word, and break every stronghold so that we may believe Him, and not man’s doctrine. Thank you, Lori.

  13. chaotic joy

    I agree completely. I have recently been convicted of getting my Biblical teaching from outside The Word. I am now very careful about what additional resources I use to study. This was a great post Lori!

  14. Sunny

    Amen sister Lori,

    It’s very sad where we are today. But as Scripture says, what was once done, will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9)

    Thank you for a biblical reminder of staying firm in our faith that is founded in Christ alone and be a Berean – testing everything against the word of God.

    Bless you sister,

  15. prayerwarrior

    Pray For Israel & Jews… Pray For Mother In Israel. Pray For USA Mothers, & russians women, Pray For Working Mothers, Pray For Singel Mothers, & Singel Great GrainMother. Will Have Peace in There Heart. Mothers Who Do Not Know U As There Saver Salvation Will Get Saved In The Blood Of Jesus Christ

    Pray for Your Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ:
    The Apostle Paul gives us two prayer examples of what to pray for regarding the Body of Christ in Ephesians 1:15-23 and 3:14-21. Pray these prayers for your Church Leaders, your Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and for yourself.

    God promised Abraham He will bless those who blessed him and curse those who curse him. This promise was not only for Abraham, but for all of his covenant descendants – the Jewish people. Pray that our leaders will make the correct decisions to make our country a blessing to Israel. Also, Christians need to pray that the nation of Israel will recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Savior, that they will have peace and success, and that they will possesses the land that God has promised them. (Genesis 12:2-3, 15:18-21, 17:8, 17:21, 22:15-18, Deuteronomy 30:2-5)

    Pray For World Homeless Families. & Please Pray For Homeless Women to… In The Name of Jesus Christ & all There health Problem In The Name Of Jesus Christ

    Pray For In The Name Of Jesus Christ

    Prays for President Obama and Wife, & Children’s and his new administration. Your efforts will work powerfully in our nation.
    Attorney General
    —Eric Holder
    Secretary of State
    —Hillary Clinton
    Chief of Staff
    —Rahm Emanuel
    Chair, Council of Economic Advisers
    —Christina Romer

    If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (NIV)

    Pray For Our Youth & Young Adults.In The Name Of Jesus Christ
    A family that prays together stays together.

    Please Pray for Street Bullies In The Name Of Jesus Christ & Pray For Schools
    Pray For The Family Live Be side me & Around me. Bless There Home & Work & Shool. Bless There health to, & The One’s who do not know Jesus As There Saver Salvation will Get Saved In The Blood Of Jesus.

    Prayer of a Mother whose children are no longer at home. In The Name Of Jesus Christ

    Prayer for families is the very foundation that keeps a family unit together. Have you heard the phrase “A family that prays together stays together”? The concept is true – a family that has their focus on praying to the Lord Jesus Christ has a foundation that may be shaken at times, but it will withstand all that comes against them.

    Prayers for Justice and Peace

    Please Pray for Other People Have Heart Problem. & Diabetes, In The Name Of Jesus Christ &, Athesma Problems.
    And the Blind In The Name Of Jesus Christ. Pray For Israel & Jews… Pray For World Homeless Families. & Please Pray For Homeless Women to… In The Name of Jesus Christ & all There health Problem In The Name Of Jesus Christ… Prays for President Obama and Wife, & Children’s and his new administration. Your efforts will work powerfully in our nation.
    Pray For World Homeless Families. & Please Pray For Homeless Women to… In The Name of Jesus Christ & all There health Problem In The Name Of Jesus Christ…
    Hear our prayers, O God, In The name of Jesus Christ I Pray

    I do pray that any of our nation’s leaders who do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior would develop a relationship with Him. Pray that those who are believers would grow closer to Him each day. In The Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray. Amen
    Hear our prayers, O God, In The name of Jesus Christ I Pray
    Praying For Every One Around Me
    Pray For Our Enemies

    O God, whose Son commanded us to love our enemies: Lead them and us from prejudice to truth; deliver them and us from hatred, cruelty, and revenge; and in your good time enable us all to stand reconciled before you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    I do pray that any of our nation’s leaders who do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior would develop a relationship with Him. Pray that those who are believers would grow closer to Him each day. In The Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray. Amen

  16. prayerwarrior

    Pray For Israel & Jews… Pray For Mother In Israel. Pray For USA Mothers, & russians women, Pray For Working Mothers, Pray For Singel Mothers, & Singel Great GrainMother. Will Have Peace in There Heart. Mothers Who Do Not Know U As There Saver Salvation Will Get Saved In The Blood Of Jesus Christ

    Pray for Your Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ:
    The Apostle Paul gives us two prayer examples of what to pray for regarding the Body of Christ in Ephesians 1:15-23 and 3:14-21. Pray these prayers for your Church Leaders, your Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and for yourself.

    God promised Abraham He will bless those who blessed him and curse those who curse him. This promise was not only for Abraham, but for all of his covenant descendants – the Jewish people. Pray that our leaders will make the correct decisions to make our country a blessing to Israel. Also, Christians need to pray that the nation of Israel will recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Savior, that they will have peace and success, and that they will possesses the land that God has promised them. (Genesis 12:2-3, 15:18-21, 17:8, 17:21, 22:15-18, Deuteronomy 30:2-5)

    Pray For World Homeless Families. & Please Pray For Homeless Women to… In The Name of Jesus Christ & all There health Problem In The Name Of Jesus Christ

    Pray For In The Name Of Jesus Christ

    Prays for President Obama and Wife, & Children’s and his new administration. Your efforts will work powerfully in our nation.
    Attorney General
    —Eric Holder
    Secretary of State
    —Hillary Clinton
    Chief of Staff
    —Rahm Emanuel
    Chair, Council of Economic Advisers
    —Christina Romer

    If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (NIV)

    Pray For Our Youth & Young Adults.In The Name Of Jesus Christ
    A family that prays together stays together.

    Please Pray for Street Bullies In The Name Of Jesus Christ & Pray For Schools

  17. Carol

    Amen, amen and amen! I get all fired up reading this! We must allow the truth that we first received to abide in us (1 Jn 1:24-27) so we will not “add” these false teachings that are outside the spirit of the Gospel in.