What Does Our Nation Need?

What does our nation need?

It can be all too easy to:

  • Sit back and criticize
  • Wring our hands
  • Wonder what’s happening to our country
  • Become anxious as we watch what our founding fathers had in mind is changing
  • See our nation’s values conform to society’s new mindset

Let me ask you a question:

How often do you pray for our President?

You may not agree with his policies.  Maybe you didn’t vote for him.  But he is our President.

Here’s what 1 Peter2:13-14 says:

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men; whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.”

We can show respect to those that we don’t necessarily agree with.  And we can do something.

We can pray!

On this Fourth of July, will you make the choice to begin to pray for our nation and our President?  We have an upcoming election.  That is when the voice of the people will be heard.  So exercise your right to vote!

Our nation needs PRAYER!

So as you and your family are celebrating the freedoms we enjoy, pray for our country, our President and the men and women who are serving in the military.  They are risking their lives to protect our freedoms that can all too often be taken for granted.

May God bless America!

Blessings and love,


7 thoughts on “What Does Our Nation Need?

  1. Iris

    Amen Debbie! It is true, God commands us to pray for those in authority. Like you said, we may not agree with the politics, but everything is ordained by God. Thank you for the reminder to pray for this country and the leaders.

  2. Toia

    Amen and Amen!!So many people need to read this. So many have done more criticizing than praying!! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Debbie

    This was a great reminder Debbie. It is soo true. We NEED to pray for our president and our country everyday. I DO regularly pray for the United States and for our men and women in the service, but sadly I will say I need to renew my efforts for our President. The Bible is very clear about this isn’t it?

    Thanks for your prayers for my family. I soo appreciate it.

  4. bethany

    This is a great message today on this special holiday. We need to pray for our leaders and President, this is something I need to do more often.

    God bless you!