Now… For You

Our God is not a distant God. He sees and cares about everything that happens to us in our lives. He comforts us and heals our aching hearts. I know you’ve heard that before. And, if you are like I used to be, believing that is fine and dandy for everyone else. But when it comes to our problems, our pain, and our grief, our faith can be rather shaky. I’m just one person out of billions on this earth. A speck of dust basically, on a huge ball of dirt. Why would God want to help me? Imperfect, weak and insignificant me… 

Why? Because, it pleases Him to do so.

My heart is in such a different place today than it was at this same time last year. I can hardly believe the change. About a year and a half ago, I had just experienced a kick to the gut through the heart-wrenching rejection from a child, my daughter. It came out of the blue and was totally unexpected.

On that day, my world collapsed. So deep was my sorrow and so fresh was the wound that I, from my perspective, couldn’t see a time in my future when I would feel any better, let alone, get through the days before me. How could I? A mother’s love runs deep and so does the excruciating pain that can sometimes come from that love. But, over this past year, I have been covered with another love. Yes, I still feel the loss and there is a scar on my heart that will never completely mend, but… during this painful time, God has never left my side. As I clung to Him, He showed me love and comfort when all I knew was blinding and consuming grief. Tenderly He wiped away my tears as He cared for me, bringing me solace and support right when I needed it most.

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. 

You have recorded each one in your book.” Psalm 56:8

God’s love isn’t just for other people. He doesn’t simply heal other people’s hearts. He will heal yours, too. When we turn to Him in our grief, He will help us, for we are His. This was God’s plan from the start – He chose you and He chose me to be in a relationship with Him – a relationship filled with love, mercy and grace. And, our loving God went to great lengths to make that relationship possible. Jesus went to the cross for that relationship. He suffered rejection and pain as He sacrificed His life on earth for that relationship. He endured the greatest heartache there is by being separated from God as He went to the grave for that relationship. And then, miraculously, He rose again, and made a bridge between God and us. Now, that is love. It’s a love that’s available for all of us at any time, in any place, during any trial, no matter how big or small. Jesus is here… Now… For you.

In His grip,


One thought on “Now… For You

  1. Iris

    I needed to read that this morning, Joan.

    I am so sorry that your daughter rejected you; there was a dark time with our son and thankfully has changed. I hope this will work out for you. In the meantime, He will see you through.