Only What You Do For Christ Will Last

Lately, as I approach my birthday the chorus of an old hymn I’ve heard often during my growing up years have been ringing through my head.  I don’t recall actually hearing it being sung but, my grandmother, my mom, my aunt and a lot of the older church mothers quoted it often.  In fact, they didn’t just quote it. They lived like they really believed it.

Remember only what You do for Christ will last.
Remember only what you do for Christ will last,
only what you do for Him will be counted at the end;
only what you do for Christ will last.

Remember only what you do for Christ will last… It’s not in a morbid sort of way that I’ve been pondering these words.  It’s more of a I wonder if what I feel in my heart is being reflected in my daily walk kind of way. The people who came to mind when I think about the lyrics of this song had a living legacy. The things they are remembered for are what they were known for when they were alive.

They extended a helping hand when needed. They witnessed, encouraged others and offered a word of prayer at a moment’s notice.  They had open hearts and hands and were never short of smiles. They had the perfect balance of love and rebuke that left you feeling convicted instead of judged.  I’m still awed by the way they lived out their faith.

Many of the faces that comes to mind when I think of the lyrics to that song are people who never preached a sermon or did anything that made newspaper or television news.  However, the things they said and did live on in the hearts of those they touched.

Only what you do for Him will be counted in the end… As I reflect the verse 1 Corinthians 15:58 comes to mind.  I’ve said it repeatedly and prayerfully as I ask God to help me to be, strong and immovable to always work enthusiastically for Him, knowing that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. (paraphrased)


4 thoughts on “Only What You Do For Christ Will Last

  1. Iris

    Thank you for the beautiful reminder that we don’t need to be famous to make an impact on someone’s life.

  2. Patrice

    We often get caught up into what we do for recognition or to live up to the expectations of others. We need to remember that we do these things to uplift the name of our Heavenly Father! What a good reading.