The Comparison Thief

 Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else. — Galatians 6:4 A few years ago, as my daughter prepared for her Earth Day chapel presentation on creation, we talked about various aspects of creativity, including what stifles it.…

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What’s in your cup?

At a conference I attended years ago, the speaker held out a cup filled with water and asked someone to come up and hold it. An eager volunteer stood there holding the filled cup, when the speaker pushed his arm, spilling water all over the carpet. And the speaker asked,…

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The Flip Side of Fear

Fear is an emotion that I’ve lived with all my life. From foolish little worries to massive panic attacks, I’ve experienced it all. Years ago, as a young 20-something U.S. Customs officer, I was asked to teach a class at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia. To say…

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There it was. A tiny tree. Embedded in rock and cement, it defied the laws of nature and continued to grow. I came across it growing out of my front porch today. I tried to pull it out, but it was firmly planted in the rock. And I thought of…

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Feeling UNqualified?

Last night, I had the opportunity to speak with a young mom.  We’ve never met and were introduced via email because she is new to fighting human trafficking, and I’ve been involved in abolition for a few years. We were kindred spirits in many ways, and I felt honored to…

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