Persistence 101

I want to tell you a story of how God walks us through the Bible. He carefully leads us through scripture to bring knowledge to our minds. He then will cement the knowledge in our hearts through a real experience. This week I was an attentive student in God’s classroom: Persistent Prayer 101.


Roughly two months ago I began praying about my husband’s job. He was considering a transfer to a new division of his company. This transfer would be a promotion and my husband felt he was ready for the increased responsibility and challenge. The extra pay wouldn’t hurt either.

I asked God to direct my husband. I prayed for the men who were looking at his resume. My prayers were earnest and fervent. The first few days I prayed frequently, even fasting for a day, twice. A week past, I still prayed but became confused. Two weeks past then three and my prayers were less fervent and finally I concluded God was not going to answer. I never heard a yes or a no.

Nothing happened with my husband’s job. The transfer process appeared to be frozen in a tundra of paper work and indecision. The hiring manager never said, yes or no. My husband was unable to pin him down for a firm reply. Quite puzzling and frustrating.

This week after two and half months, my husband finally spoke with the division manager again. It is good news; still there are many details to be worked out before anything can happen. Translation: I have several more months to pray over this potential transfer, but the lesson here was crystal clear in my heart.

During my recent study of the book of Daniel I became intrigued by several verses in chapter 10.

Daniel 10:12-13 (New International Version)
12 Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.

This scripture is absolutely fascinating. It is bizarre. It is awesome. Daniel humbled himself and prayed. God heard Daniel the very first day he started praying. God issued an immediate response. Yet, it took 21 days for an answer to be delivered to Daniel.

These few sentences have enormous implications for our lives. Just as I began praying two and a half months ago, God heard me. God delayed an answer to my specific prayers because He wanted to make this passage vibrant and effective. What I learned is:

  • God hears my prayers the first time we pray.
  • God issues a decree for action. The heavenlies are set in motion because of words I speak in prayer.
  • The enemy will do everything in his power to thwart answers to prayer. He wants me to doubt the power my prayers have. He wants me to give up praying all togehter, and he hopes to weaken my faith.
  • God is actually growing my faith and character.
  • Persevering in prayer is necessary and powerful.
  • Perseverance is one of many attributes of effective prayer. I know there are more lessons ahead. I am grateful God holds classes just for me.

    O Lord, to think you would take time to bring the Bible to life for me is utterly humbling. Thank you for showing me how your word is powerful and relevant thousands of years ago and still today. Teach me more Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

    7 thoughts on “Persistence 101

    1. Millie

      Dear Lynn..thanks for your sharing about persistence in prayer…

      I read this verse Daniel 10:12-13 several days ago, it encouraged me,too. The first time we pray, the Lord hears and sends his angel to help us, but only the Satan thward the angel..

      After our prayer, we really should have a waiting heart & confidence for the lord…what we can do is just praying and waiting and live our lives..

      thank you ,lynn..I enjoy your post today…

      have a wonderful weekend

    2. Coach J

      Perseverence is not a strong suit of mine. But it develops, what is it, character? Or maturity? Don’t have a bible nearby to look, but I know I am lacking. Thank God that He doesn’t give up on us.

    3. eph2810

      What a powerful post, Lynn. Yes, God will hear our prayers of the heart, if we have spoken them or not. Sometimes His answers are a no, but sometimes He wants to teach us a lesson before He answers.

      Thank you so much for sharing.

      Be blessed this Memorial day weekend and always…

    4. Terri

      Wow, you can’t even begin to know how much your post speaks to me about this adoption and all my praying! I do feel like God is growing my faith BIG time.
