Thanksgiving Perspective

Hi Girlfriend! Today I think it would be great fun to take you shopping. We can get a jump on our Christmas gift list. Grab your coat and purse and let’s get started!

With all the walking we will do, we better grab some bottled water. Grab two please!

Presently, 1.1 billion people lack access to clean water supply and 2.4 billion to improved sanitation.[1]

Out to the garage, hop in my hubby’s car. There is more room for our Christmas packages. We’ll leave my car at home.

Americans represent only five percent of the total world population, yet we own one-third of all vehicles in the world.[2]

A quick stop at Starbucks for a Café Mocha, $3.95 x 2.

Half of the world population earns less than $2 a day. [3]

Girlfriend, it is not my intent to take you shopping and then leave you feeling guilty or depressed. I hope our shopping adventure is a starting point for a week of Thanksgiving.

God cheerfully gives us many good things; homes, cars, clean water, and Starbucks! Many of us live in nations blessed by His abundant hand. It is my prayer that we will see our prosperity in light of every human being on the earth. I pray it will change our perspective as we approach Thanksgiving Day.

God lavishes His wealth upon us. GIVE HIM THANKS!
God sent His Son to set us free!! Oh, GIVE HIM THANKS!

Psalm 105
1 Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.

Lord, let us approach Your throne with a humble and thankful heart. Thank you for the gift of salvation. You provide for our every need. We are grateful.
Father, as Thanksgiving Day approaches let us name our blessings, one by one, and give you thanks! Amen

I encourage you this year to rise early on Thanksgiving morning, put the cinnamon rolls in the oven before the family wakes, fall on your knees in the quiet of the dawn, and thank God for blessings, big and small. Name them one-by-one.

[1] Water Partners International;
[2] Google
[3] The UC Atlas of Global Inequality

8 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Perspective

  1. eph2810

    Thank you Lynn. I so agree with you. We sometimes forget how truly blessed we are.
    I was just saying that to a co-worker yesterday – that although we are doing well – we (as a nation) are not happy with what we have. We have to have a bigger car, because Mrs. SoAndSo just got one for her birthday. Or a bigger house, because we really don’t have the room to entertain…
    I will make an effort to thank my Lord every day for the blessings He has given me.
    Thank you for the timely reminder 🙂

  2. Heather

    Right now, with money tight due to numerous doctors bills and a late paycheck, I am feeling especially thankful for all He has provided. That despite our lack of funds and dwindling food cupboard we have plenty. We have a warm house, clean water, a working vehicle, can wash our clothes in our washer, keep what food we have cold in our freezer and deep freeze. We have three healthy children and a loving family. He has provided so very much and we have so much more than so many others. Praise th eLord for His many blessings.

  3. e-Mom

    Excellent, as usual! You always manage to say some profound things–in just a very few words. Truly a gift! Have a blessed Thanksgiving. (I’ll be over for the cinnnamon rolls…) Hugs, e-Mom

  4. Nancy

    You said it perfectly! I will do exactly that… count my blessings and name them one by one. What a way to start every day… especially Thanksgiving day!

  5. janet

    Thank you, Lynn. What a beautiful reminder. I am so blessed and thankful. I will take your advice on Thanksgiving morning. I’ll have a house full of somewhat dysfunctional extended family that day- time on my knees would be a good idea!

  6. Michelle

    Thank you Lynn for the reminder that in everything we should give thanks. I will do that today and every day. I can be thankful even though I am going through a trial. Your words always inspire me.

  7. Laura

    Lynn, Yes, we have so much to be thankful for. And, thank you for your words and wisdom. I feel so blessed to know you if even for a short time. You are an inspiration and I am so thankful. I will be on my knees this Thanksgiving morning because I have God to thank for all that is good in my life. Thank you for the reminder. God is good!!!!!!