Pizza Picnic

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17

The beautiful sunny day wasn’t enough to convince me to stop and enjoy a family picnic. Honestly, the thought of gathering food and supplies that must be drug over to the pavilion simply didn’t appeal to me. I plotted to dissuade my daughter’s insistence on a lunch time rendezvous. After all, camping is a picnic every meal, right?

Armed with a million excuses, I marched into the camper to find bags of supplies already packed up in manageable handfuls on the dinette table.

“What is this?” I asked my daughter.

“It is everything we need to go for a picnic.” Her brightly lit eyes confirmed her excitement.

With a heavy sigh and not the nicest of attitudes, I reluctantly obliged to her picnic wishes. As I brought the last of the food over, the kids were already chopping on their lunch, having a genuinely good time. I sat down with my husband and began to eat my pizza while sipping on a Cherry Doctor Pepper. Soon enough, the additional work to picnic at the pavilion was a distant thought as all of us enjoyed a restful and peaceful time eating together. It turned out to be exactly what I needed – a time of relaxation.

I pulled my daughter aside and apologized for my unwilling attitude and thanked her over and over again for pushing the idea. Her efforts made what would have been just an ordinary day of camping become something extraordinary by creating a special family memory that won’t soon be forgotten.

It won’t be long before my children are grown and I will long for the days when my daughter planned picnics. I am so thankful that on that day God showed me how special every day is. Even though there are things to be done, it is OK to stop and enjoy the time He has given us. He is teaching me to not stay so focused on the norms of everyday life, but to cherish the gifts of my family. I am also learning that enjoying the treasures of my family brings God glory.  A picnic planned by the sweetest girl with a huge heart and love for her family was the perfect testimony to just how wonderful family time is. I love when the Lord uses my children to teach me important lessons.

Today is your gift. It is a wonderful gift from God. How will you spend it? Make sure you carve out time to stop and enjoy the treasures that are around you.

In Christ Alone,

3 thoughts on “Pizza Picnic

  1. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Amen. I have also had that kind of attitude. Sometimes we have to slow down so we can see the beauty of His Hand. So many times my attitude causes me to miss seeing Him. Thanks for sharing today! 🙂

  2. Iris

    Amen to that Dana. We do need to enjoy these kind of moments that are special. We will cherish them for days to come.

    Thank you for the reminder to take a break from the rush of life.