Prayer Changes Lives

“Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness!
You have given me relief when I was in distress.
Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!”
~ Psalm 4:1 (ESV)

My friend Lynn ask the question this past week: “Can you pray dangerous prayers expecting answers?” This statement stuck with me over the last couple of days. What are dangerous prayers? I remember my pastor telling us once that we might want to be careful what we pray for. I really never understood what he meant by that, until a couple of days ago.

I heard a story about prayers the other morning. I am not sure if I am able to get the entire story together to share with you, but I will try, because it was just awesome.

A young man was fighting in Vietnam. He had a small Gideon Bible in his jacket pocket, but never could get himself to read it. The fighting was heavy and he lost many of his comrades during that war. At one point it was so bad that all he wanted was to die. He never opened his Bible though…he didn’t even pray…

His division was under heavy attack one day and all he could think of was dying. There was just no use. He heard incoming missiles and thought that it was his last hour. One of his comrades pushed him in a foxhole. The missile hit right next too him, but it never exploded. If I remember the date correctly, it was February 26th, 1968 (not sure if I got the year right)…

At that moment he knew that he needed to open his Bible just to read. He wasn’t a believer at the time. When he got to Matthew 18:19, all he could do was pray. He knew that God was right there with him in the foxhole.

After he had returned home to the States, he visited his wife’s grandmother. She shared with him that she had prayed for him while he was in Vietnam. Especially one night – the burden to pray for him was so heavy that it woke her. She opened up the Bible and started praying. She even phoned a friend from church in the middle of the night to come over to pray with her. The two prayer-warriors prayed all night. She pulled out her Bible to show her grandson-in-law. And guess what Bible passage had his name written next to it? You guessed it; Matthew 18:19! And it had the date of February 26th right next to his name…

Is prayer powerful? I know it is – I have seen prayers answered in my own life. Do all my prayers get answered the way I pray them – not always! Does that stop me from praying? No way. Prayer can change lives – it can save. Don’t grow weary in praying. God hears you – He is faithful and will answer; just be patient.

Lord of Heaven & Earth. Thank You for hearing our cries for mercy. You are faithful and just. You answer our prayers, sometimes not the answer we wish for. You know before we even pray the answers, but You like to still hear them come from the heart or from our lips; from foxholes, pews or kitchen tables. Lord, thank You that we can approach the throne of grace 24/7. Thank you Jesus for making it possible for us. In Your precious name ~ Amen.

If you are in need of prayer, you can always contact us through our contact form. We have some might prayer warriors on the team…

Blessings on your day and always…

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10 thoughts on “Prayer Changes Lives

  1. AngieAngie

    Iris I am so thankful for the quickening by the Holy Spirit in our lives that prompts us to hear Him…when He directs us to pray…it is needful that we obey—why is it that so many times it is in the “wee hours”…when we are sleeping????
    I want to always hear my Father calling my name.
    Be blessed—and thank you for blessing us today!!!

  2. LindaLinda

    That is such an encouraging, uplifting story Iris. I have been learning more about prayer in my own life. It just brings us closer to the heart of God I think. It is, as you have said, so powerful.

  3. Denise W

    I just cried … I have prayed for a couple of things for so long… One that my oldest son would find it in his heart to come to see me.. He has been gone 25 years now and only home maybe 3-4 times.. It has been 3 years now…. and he only lived 4 hours away.. I cry a lot over that…… second. my son Chris…. my beautiful son….. he is 38 and not married… is in a relationship that I know is so wrong.. she is 22…… I have prayed and God closed the door twice.. and she has kicked it down again…….. I need God to hear my cry and close that door again and for good………. How I cry over him………. as a mother I am sure that everyone that reads this understands my heart………. Thanks for reassuring us that He hears and He does answer……………..


  4. LynnLynn

    Wow Iris,

    I loved this story. I think I have heard it before and I absolutely believe things like this happen when we pray. I have been awakened in the night to pray. Out of a dead sleep. I don’t understand fully the impact of our prayers but they are vital and absolutely necessary to accomplish God’s purposes.

    If floors me to think God invites us into his workings through our prayers… Amazing.

    Awesome post. Makes me want to just get on my knees right now. Love you, Lynn

  5. Deb

    Great post!! Oh yes there is POWER in prayer:) Miracles do happen. You really hit home for some I am sure. Thanks for sharing your HOPE through PRAYER:)
    God Bless.

  6. TNChick

    I’m glad I read this. I know God is always here and is always willing to help, it’s just a matter of listening or being patient. Your words always lift me, I hope you know that… I’d love to be able to come across to people the way you do. I’m so thankful that for whatever reason we ran into each other online a few years ago – you’ve really touched my heart – many times and in many ways. I’ve been praying a long time for what happen in my household yesterday and I was so happy that I had tears just from hearing what I was told… it appears that one I had been praying for was indeed reached and was able to hear God speaking to him. I’m so so thankful, and blessed. Thank you, God. Now, I request prayer in finding the right church home… if only I could pack-up my church in SC and move it here…. hehe