
One of our favorite things to do when all of the kids get together is stay up late and sit around the table playing board games. Recently, when the boys were all here, one of them showed me a new card game. I can’t recall the name of it, but I remember that it not only took skill but it took speed and accuracy.

Have you ever played a game and everything seemed to be going your way? So much, that you were so confident that you were winning…but only to find out that someone had been holding out on a secret move or playing their trump card? That happens to me all of the time, especially when playing UNO with my kids … just when I get down to my last move, someone hands me a DRAW FOUR card. ((rats!!))

((Rats!!)) must have been the word the devil searched for when he thought he was winning when Jesus was nailed to the cross! He thought that if he could kill Jesus, that would be the end, and then he would be victorious. What a terrible miscalculation on the devil’s part. He had not calculated that the evil that he brought to Jesus would be the very defeat of himself.

I would say that Jesus was holding the winning play all along…

Colossians 2:14,15 ” having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. (15) Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.”

Jesus totally disarmed the devil … He took away the weapon of death from the devil’s hand on that day on Calvary. And there is a day coming, that the mean, cheating, evil devil will be destroyed for good! It is only a matter of time before Jesus is going to take the devil out of this game he is playing and Jesus will be victorious. He holds the winning hand!

You can visit me daily on my personal blog … http://womentakingastand.blogspot.com/

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6 thoughts on “((Rats!!))

  1. eph2810

    I am grateful that Jesus is holding the winning hand. BTW – my favorite word when things don’t go my way is ‘nuts’ 🙂

    thank you for your encouraging words this morning…

  2. LindaLinda

    What a great way to look at it Laurie. Oh yes – Jesus definitely has the winning hand. The best part is He has given it to us!

  3. Marsha

    In the end, Satan will refuse to say UNO and he will be saying more than “RATS!”

    Praise the Lord He holds the winning card!