
Every one of us has experienced rejection in some form or another. Rejection has a wide range. And no matter the severity of the rejection there is alway a sting.

People criticizing your beliefs
Or not receiving the job you applied for.
Or by a spouse, directly or indirectly.
Or a friendship that is no longer.

Many times when we have been hurt, trust becomes an issue or we become people pleasers (so we will receive affirmation and not rejection). “Maybe if I talked like the ‘other’ Christians, I would not be criticized for my beliefs”, “maybe if I answered the questions better I would have won that job”, “maybe if I was skinnier or prettier he would love me more”, “maybe if I was a better friend and was more like so & so”, or “maybe if I write like the popular writers, I will get more readers”.

Who is that talking? Who are we trying to impress? Is that Christ or your pride talking?

Gal 1:10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

We can not depend on others, but we can trust God in others. God knows our needs; he knows we desire love and acceptance. I believe God will provide that through others.

Also many times after rejection, we wait for others to come to us. We sit and lick our wounds. Why is “so & so” or “such and such” not reaching out? They have to know I am hurting. This can be viewed as part of the problem instead of the solution. I have found on many occasions the people who reach out the most, to comfort us, are the ones going through terrible times. We all need to be channels of His love no matter what we are going through.

But at the end of the day when all is said and done, people will let you down; you will be hurt or rejected. With Christ you will NEVER be rejected; he will NEVER let you down. And He will take the sting away and give you comfort to replace it.

Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth;
break forth, O mountains, into singing!
For the Lord has comforted his people
and will have compassion on his afflicted Isaiah 49:13

Heavenly Father, I lift up everyone who has gone through feelings of rejection. These feelings can run strong and deep and it is only by your healing power that we can be healed. Father, all you ask is that we come to you, and you will do the rest. You promised to never leave us, you promised to always be there. For in that we place our trust. Thank you for being my Adoni Rof-eh-kah, the Lord who heals. Amen

7 thoughts on “Rejection

  1. Julie

    “We all need to be channels of His love no matter what we are going through.” This is so true!

    Well said, Laurel.

  2. eph2810

    Now this is really freaking me out…I had a similar post in my head for a week and was going to write it tonight for Sting My Heart to post tomorrow. I have been rejected a lot lately…But I know that He is my comfort and my shield. Are people rejecting me for who I am in Him? Maybe – I don’t know. I have to battle the pride issue very often “Why doesn’t this person like me?” “Why is she leaving comments on other blogs, but not yours?” But this week I have come to the conclusion that I can not please everyone around me — that is just life. But I will not step back from my beliefs, even if people don’t agree with me…

    Thank you for the post. Now I will pray if I still write my post or not — maybe I will…

  3. Heather

    Wow, Laurel, a perfect follow up to my struggle with explaining (not that that was the intention, but this is certainly His answer to the question.)

  4. LynnLynn

    With Christ you will NEVER be rejected; he will NEVER let you down.

    When we finally get our minds and hearts around this, what a healing in our soul occurs… 🙂