Still Relevant Today

Have you ever been sitting in a service and notice during the sermon someone who is feverishly writing?  Maybe you wondered, “What in the world is she writing?”  We’ll I’m that girl. I don’t always have the best memory so I always want to write down the gems I find in the sermons to read over and meditate on later.

It was recently that I came across the journal that held my notes from sermons I heard during my college years.  As I read over the notes I realized that although quite a few years has passed, the sermon notes that I had taken were still fresh and relevant

The notes to the particular sermon that caught my eyes was titled Passion for Divine Destiny and these are the (rather random) gems that stood out to me at that time.

We can choose whether or not we want to fulfill our destiny.

To fulfill our divine destiny we must have passion and a relationship with God.

If we have a great passion for God his love will emanate from our lives and we will be able to love others.

When you feel that you are in a dry place and cannot hear from God you need to take out time with him.

If you lost your passion for God and you want it to be restored you need to fast, pray and spend time in God’s word.

If we don’t have passion for God nothing will be accomplished for the kingdom.

When you lose your passion for God sin enters and you open the door for Satan to make inroads in your life.

You have to have a desire to get that passion back when you lose it.   

Fulfilling your divine destiny depends on you being passionate about the vision that God has given you and choosing to pursue it.

Somehow I needed reminding about some of these things lately as I navigate a dry season.  I’m just grateful that God uses everyday things to bring encouragement, even notes that I wrote over fifteen years ago.

5 thoughts on “Still Relevant Today

  1. Iris

    So true, Bernadine; we sometimes enter a dry season and God uses reminders from our fruitful season. Those a great ‘nuggets’ you shared with us.

  2. Jenny Smith

    Very true, our dry seasons are hard, but going back to a well watered season always helps me. I journal, and sometimes I go back to remind myself how faithful God has been to little ole me!

  3. Dawn

    I am that girl too. HA! You made me laugh. But I hardly ever go back and read them as you have done. My favorite thing is when our pastor (my husband) says in the middle of his sermon, “Now everybody look up here…” and then continues with his thoughts. I can never look because I haven’t finished recording my last thoughts.

    You are inspiring me to dig out some old notebooks….

  4. Anita Harris

    What an awesome reminder of the relevance of godly nuggets! They are timeless, and like you, I need reminders of past encouragement. Thanks so much for sharing these gems. I believe there is something for everyone. I have wide margin Bible to record my thoughts. I am in the process of beginning to journal again. It is empowering to look back and see where God has brought us, or still making us through the Word. I look forward to reading more of your posts.


  5. LaurieLaurie Adams

    I have experienced the same thing … finding some old notes and then finding a whole new lesson (and blessing) from it. Isn’t it amazing how God’s Word never changes …and how He uses the same Word to teach us over and over again. Great Word today Bernadine!