Resolved to Wonder

res·o·lu·tion /ˌrɛzəˈluʃən/ Pronunciation KeyShow Spelled Pronunciation[rez-uhloo-shuhn] Pronunciation KeyShow IPA Pronunciation


  1. a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group. Compare concurrent resolution, joint resolution.
  2. a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
  3. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
  4. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.

The giant Waterford Crystal ball in Times Square drops. ….a crowd of millions chants in unison “5, 4, 3, 2, 1…..Happy New Year!” Kisses are shared, resolutions are made.

“I resolve to keep my checkbook balanced and limit spending”

“I resolve to read the Bible more- and “Women’s Day Magazine, less”

“I resolve to achieve home-worklife balance”

“I resolve to find a better job”

“I resolve to listen more and talk less”

“I resolve to make phone calls more- and use less e-mail”

“I resolve to do more— (or less) in ministry”

“I resolve to be a better- wife, friend, mother….”

There is something missing from above my mantle… I keep waiting for it to arrive. But- for now, I just keep the space available. It’s my “documentation”. The certificate that proves I hold the worlds record for BREAKING New Years resolutions.

My time? .000006 seconds. Impressive, huh? (Yes- I made that up)

Year after year- I’ve joined the tradition, of making and breaking resolutions. Sunday night, while discussing resolutions- around a table loaded with shrimp, stuffed mushroom caps and veggies and dip, pizza rolls and chocolate covered strawberries…I talked about wanting to lose weight. My 17 year old son Mike- (the son formally known as Michael….prior to puberty) said- “What if this is how God wants you for now?”

The thought had never crossed my mind.

I started to wonder. How many of the resolutions I’ve made in the past- weren’t kept, because they weren’t part of God’s plan for me right now. I wonder how many have been my plans, not His? Here’s the thing I’ve come to learn about God—- He’s the boss. He is sovereign, HIS plans alone will prosper.

Have you ever arrived at the end of a year— and been surprised by the things that occurred that were outside of your plan? I have. Absolutely. I’ve arrived at the end of a DAY and been shocked by where I found myself! A quiet day at home, that ends up in the emergency room with a child getting stitches….preparation for going to a party that leaded to weeks with my hand in a cast…a “perfect job” ending in layoff or firing…life is full of things that are outside of our resolution… our plans.

But- not outside of Gods. He is never shocked or surprised at where we end up.

I wonder if maybe, God had a different plan for me than the one I’ve been formulating? I wonder if some of the struggles in relationships with family members are necessary to grow and change me? I wonder if my weight is really fine? What if the job I hold is tough, but part of God’s plan for me?

I wonder……What God has resolved for my life this year?

I do not know. But God has given us a clue about His plans for each of us….it’s found in

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Making resolutions can be a good thing. They can give us a goal to work toward, they can help us to change. I’m not suggesting that we try to function without setting any goals… only that we remember that God will direct our path. We should always follow His direction. And sometimes— that direction is surprising.

This year- I resolve to wonder. To both stand in awe-filled wonder at God’s glorious work in creation- and to wonder… where God will take me in the coming year. This year- instead of making my own plans .. I choose to wonder at His!

Dear Lord- I have loads of plans for my life, (and the lives of loved ones, too if I’m honest!) But God- I stand in awe and wonder at your plans- I submit to your plan for my life-and I’ll do my best to accept your plan for the lives of others too! Make your way clear, Lord- and help me to follow close as I might where-ever you might lead- whether predictable or surprising…I love you Lord- and resolve to wonder— at you! Amen.

I will still be working on my weight and health this year….but will be accepting God’s will for that above my own desire to be a size 8 again….

Did you make any New Years resolutions?

Were there things about the past year that were outside of YOUR plans?

Did God use them for good… even if they were hard?

The comments are for us to share… see you there.. God willing;)

7 thoughts on “Resolved to Wonder

  1. Laurel Wreath

    Tracey, I love the idea God is never surprised. I know there are some days I wonder how I got to where I am, but God knows. He knows the way, ways to help me not harm me.

    Happy New Year.

  2. janet

    Tracey, You MUST stop by my blog and see how similar our posts are today! I’m optomistic about at least one of my resolutions, but my track record isn’t too good either. Thank God, He isn’t finished with us yet!

  3. LynnLynn

    Perfect prayer…

    Have you ever arrived at the end of a year— and been surprised by the things that occured that were outside of your plan?–This happens to every single year. I still marvel at how God is sovereign and works His plan inspite of mine. 🙂

  4. Heather

    Oh I can’t wait to see all that He has planned, it’s like going to a surprise party. There are occasional hints but you still hae to wait and see. Resolved to wonder, oh yes, very much so.

  5. Pingback: Laced with Grace » Look Beneath The Surface

  6. eph2810

    You know – I have be honest. I usually don’t make any resolutions, because I know I break every single one of them…I put out a plan and think where I would like to be at year-end. I never happens the way I imagine, but I alway arrive much stronger at the end :). Does that even make sense what I just said???