What Running Has Taught Me

This summer I have taken up running. Well “running” may be a loose definition of what I do; I would rather call it run-gasp-for-air-walk then repeat. Whatever it is called,  it has taught me a lot about myself and possibly my Christian walk.

When I start out in the morning I begin strong, I am determined to run the farthest today but after some time my body begins to become weary and I find myself trying to suck air into my lungs anyway I can, then finally I slow down to a walk.

Here are things I observed:

    1. When it is cool enough outside and no one else is out exercising I find it a time of renewal and strength. I like the easy road.

    2. When there are people out, more than let’s say two, I become cranky wondering why they are out exercising at the same time and on MY road no less. They get in my way.

    3. But on the other hand, when I am at the point of gasping for air, ready to quit, I walk past someone and they keep me going. I do not want to be seen as a quitter. Or “gasp” a person impersonating a runner.

When we are on our journey as a Christian many times we start out strong, determined to become the best Christian God has ever had. The road begins smooth, there is a cool breeze in life….ahh life is good. While we are “on fire for God” and blazing the Christian road, God brings people on the same road we are traveling. Often times we just run right past them, because “hey I am doing important things for God today, get out of my way!” Finally after all that running and the lack of refreshment from God, we are left gasping for air. But suddenly at just the right moment God places another person on your path and it spurs you to not give up, to push forward that extra few minutes until you have completed your run for the day.

Our walk with God is a journey, he does want us to be excited to follow him, but too often we burn out and end up quitting. We stop our daily devotions or we are left standing in a room gasping for air wondering where God went. I have been there.

There is good news:

    [28] Have you not known? Have you not heard?
    The LORD is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
    He does not faint or grow weary;
    his understanding is unsearchable.
    [29] He gives power to the faint,
    and to him who has no might he increases strength.
    (Isaiah 40:28-29 ESV)

God never becomes weary, God gives power to those who feel like quitting, and not only does he give you power but he increases your strength. We all like to run our Christian walk on easy street—a street with no obstacles and a cool breeze—but it is not until we are left gasping for air that we find God’s power and renewed strength. Once we have run the road of difficulty we find HE IS FAITHFUL and God never meant for us to run it alone!

Heavenly Father please give refreshment to whoever read this today.  Amen

Photo Credit

8 thoughts on “What Running Has Taught Me

  1. Iris

    Oh, Lori, this was perfect timing today. I needed to read this today. We do grow weary at times (well I do), running out of steam. Thank you!!!!

  2. Erin McFarland

    I can sooooo relate to this! Great job with the running sis!!! And I love the spiritual parallels you made. I can run to my mailbox and back before the heat give me a smack down right now 🙂 Thank goodness we build endurance through the pain (of running and spiritual trials). Our God is so good!