Salvation’s Plan

     On this day, over two thousand years ago, the perfect Son of God hung on a cross suspended between heaven and earth.  Darkness covered the earth that day from noon until three o’clock  in the afternoon.  All the forces of hell were gathered there in a vain attempt to thwart heaven’s plan.

     It was a plan that had been laid before the beginning of time; a plan that had unfolded down through the ages, meticulous detail after meticulous detail.  It began when Adam and Eve ushered sin into the world with their one devestating act of disobedience.  It would end on a hill outside of Jerusalem, as Jesus paid the penalty for sin once for all.

     When I write my devotionals, I take for granted that most of those who read ithem know Jesus as their Savior.  On this day, of all days, I don’t want to make that assumption.  If there is one who has not heard the miraculous good news, I want to write to you today.  I want to share with you the plan – God’s plan – of salvation.

First we must understand that sin separates us from God.  The Bible says, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”    Rom. 3:23 (NLT)

God loves each of us and doesn’t want one of us to be separated from Him.  “For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and ony Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16 (NLT)

God sent His Son to bridge the gap that has separated us from Him.  Jesus accomplished this when He payed the penalty for our sins on the cross and rose from the grave.  “But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”  Rom. 5:8 (NLT)

You cross that bridge and become a child of God when you ask Christ to come into your life.  “But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God.”  John 1:12 (NLT)

There is nothing we must, or can, do to earn our salvation.  Jesus has done it all for us.  Our part is to accept His finished work by faith and ask Him to forgive us of our sins and come and live in our hearts.  Then we begin a relationship that will last for all of eternity.  The Father waits with open arms.  He is “not wishing that one should perish but for all to come to repentence.” II Peter 3:9 (NAS). 

25 thoughts on “Salvation’s Plan

  1. Elaine Olsen

    Keeping his story ahead of ours. He must remain our focus. We must remain committed to his. Thank you for the reminder on this good…very Good Friday…that we have been entrusted with his story. Humbly I offer my words for the telling.

    peace for the journey~elaine

  2. HisGirl

    as I read your blog, I could hear in my heart the song:
    “Jesus paid it all… all to him I owe.
    sin had left a crimson stain…
    He washed it white as snow”
    lovely post about the most Beautiful sacrifice of all.

    *please enter me*

  3. Jenny

    This is credit for today! I am having a little bit of a hard time this Easter, we had been planning for awhile to celebrate Passover with the kids, for the first time and this year Passover is after Easter. I may have to celebrate Easter twice this year!


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  4. Vickie

    Thank you for directing all of our thoughts to the true purpose of Good Friday…that not one should perish.


    please enter me today

  5. Valarie Elswick

    What an awesome post. PRAISE HIS NAME!! It seems that over the last 2 days all I can keep saying is “Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.” In my prayers all I can say is thank you!

    Amazing love, how can it be?

    Please enter me.

  6. Mylah Luper-Johnson

    Thank God from whom all blessings flow! Words cannot express how it mkes me feel to know that Jesus would have died on the cross even if I were the only person in the world. Sisters, every single one of us is just that precious!

    Mylah Luper-Johnson
    “Enter Me”

  7. Dorinda

    Thanks for the reminder that we need to always keep in mind the evangelistic nature of our blogs! The story never gets old does it?!

    Happy Resurrection Weekend to all!

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  8. Angela

    Wow…Our God is so awesome! In my devotion today I wrote down these words “The Power of The Resurrection”. I ask myself if I comprehended those few words. What transpired ofter that was a powerful blessing from God. I don’t have the time to go into great detail but I am excited about what the future holds as a woman of Christ. I am also excited to continue with your devotions and seeing how God uses them to inspire me to continue the race. For we were made to worship God and I thank you for this devotion today for I am forwarding it to some of the ladies I know who have a form of religion but have not accepted Christ as their savior. May God Bless you this Easter season and my you experience “The Power of The resurrection”

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  9. Patricia

    wow…perfect post for today & everyday! Personally, I experienced something so wonderful today & it’s all because He gave His life for US!!
    Have a Blessed Easter, everyone!

  10. Joanne

    Good Friday always stirs my soul. I pray that someone in the blogosphere was moved by your words to change their lives forever.

    Happy Easter, Joanne

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  11. SHERRY

    Praise God!! That His response to our rejecting Him by crucifying Him would be to reject our crucifixtion! That Christ rejected that crucifiction by rising from the dead!! Wow, it makes my head and heart spin.

    In His Grip,


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  12. Linda F.

    How humbling to think about that day, how He held back nothing to demonstrate His love.

  13. Ann @ Holy Experience

    Ah, that we would have the right to become the children of God. I can’t comprehend it! But I can bow low and give thanks…

    With humble gratitude, Linda…

  14. Iris

    It is so true, Linda – not everyone knows the saving grace we all have received. Sometimes we, as Christians, even forget that is nothing we can add to our salvation.
    Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful truth 🙂

  15. Connie

    Perfect in every way….

    I can even make the perfection mark for 5 minutes…

    The thing with that… His love is so overwhelming, it is incredible..

    Thank you for taking the time to share His love

  16. Shalee

    I thank God that he is slow to anger and that he longs for everyone to accept his salvation! Oh that we can be outspoken ambassadors for him or his tools that draw the eyes of all that we meet to the love of God.

    Thank you for using this post to point to the only important thing that matters, no matter the day or year on the calendar.

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