Sarah’s Gift

This Easter weekend I’ve been dramatically reminded of the extreme sacrifice of some gifts.

There are gifts that are special because the giver spent countless hours hand crafting the gift or perhaps gave a unique, one of a kind gift. I call gifts like that legacy or keepsake gifts.  The grateful recipient treasures the gift and loves to tell the story about the giver.

Other gifts  are special because they are sacrificial and a high price was paid for it.  The humble recipient acknowledges they could never pay the price for such a generous gift and they’re forever grateful to the gift giver.

This week, a precious little three year old girl named Sarah became a part of my world. I knew of her, she’s my son-in-law’s great niece, but I’d never met her. Having a sweet three year old granddaughter myself, the story of Sarah’s Gift has pierced my soul.

Friday night, Sarah started having seizures. A trip to the local emergency room revealed a possible burst aneurism in her brain. She was transferred to a specialty hospital where she was placed on life support. As the weekend progressed, tests confirmed a parent’s worse nightmare – no brain wave activity.  After much excruciating deliberation among all the family members present, the decision was made to discontinue the life support.  Her parents, grandparents and other family members said their emotional goodbyes.

Blood and tissue samples were then taken and the search begin.  Who would receive Sarah’s Gift?

Monday, my daughter and son-in-law represented the family and watched as Sarah’s tiny body was transferred to a gurney with a transportable life support system attached. They walked with Sarah towards the operating room where medical teams from 4 states   would make all the necessary preparations to give Sarah’s Gift.

Into the night Monday night and early Tuesday, 6 children, 6 families received the miracle they had been praying for.

Sarah’s Gift was unique and came at great cost.  In her death, 6 little children have a new chance at life.

Later this week Sarah will be buried, and the family will continue to grieve and mourn her loss. But is she really lost when we know she’s with Jesus?  Yes, those who know her and love her are broken hearted and will think of her every day of their lives.  A void will be present that no one or nothing else can ever fill, but praise God for the resurrection!  Because of Christ’s sacrificial death, His burial and His resurrection, we can know with full assurance that Sarah is safely home in the arms of God-the ultimate Gift Giver.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16

The social worker explained that in a few short weeks the family will hear from the gift recipient families and learn a little more about the children that received Sarah’s Gift. May her family find comfort in knowing that Sarah lives on not only in the lives of these 6 children, but she lives on in the presence of God Himself, the Giver of All Life.

Life is precious. Give those you love an extra hug tonight and thank God for the gift of  life.

Marsha's Musings

Marsha's Musings

4 thoughts on “Sarah’s Gift

  1. JoanJoan

    Very moving…what an incredible gift Sarah gave! Though her death is tragic, through it, others found life. Sounds like Someone else we know, doesn’t it?

    Living for Him, Joan

  2. Iris

    Want powerful gifts Sarah left behind. I admire Sarah’s parents of given of Sarah so other children can live.

    Our Savior did the same for us all.

    Thank you for sharing and your encouraging words.