Seeing is believing?

There are so many people who think if they see Christ with their own eyes then they would believe. So many can not wrap their mind around what they can not see.

In Acts 4 right after the birth of the church (Pentecost), and right after Peter heals a lame man by the temple’s gate, the Sadducees began questioning what they were doing healing a lame man. So much so they put Peter and John in prison overnight while they tried to figure things out. The next night they were brought before the Sadducees and questioned by what power do they perform these miracles?

Peter responds by saying, “If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a cripple and are asked how he was healed, then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. “ (Acts 4:9-10 ESV)

The Sadducees realized that Peter and John were not educated men, they were not high in position like they were, and this power they had was frankly scaring them. They had to confer with one another because they could easily see that the lame man was healed, and they did not know what to do about it. The power behind the healing of the lame man sent fear among the Sadducees they tired to suppress Peter and John from ever performing the miracles again.

Peter responded by telling them, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12 ESV)

Salvation is found only in the power of Jesus Christ. He was telling the Sadducees that the Law they hold so dear can not save them, the religion they practice so fervently can not save them, and any ceremony they preform can not save them. It is only through Jesus Christ, when we come to him through faith, that we can be saved.

The Sadducees saw with their own eyes the power of Jesus’ name, they saw what these uneducated simple fishermen could do while being filled with the Holy Spirit. But unfortunately seeing is NOT believing. Peter showed them powerful, indisputable, and convicting words; but they still did not believe. The Sadducees let Peter and John go and they went back to the group of believers to offer up prayer. At this time they realized the Sadducees have became the enemy.

What do you think they prayed for?

To eliminate the persecution?

To make things easier on them? (they did just spent one night in prison)

No, in Acts 4:29-29 they prayed for power and endurances.

“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

Heavenly Father may we go boldly and spread the word that your son was crucified and raised from the dead. I believe with each generation it is going to become more and more difficult to spread the word of the gospel, but help us to stand against persecution and proclaim your son Jesus Christ!

12 thoughts on “Seeing is believing?

  1. Paula

    Amen Laurel! My Pastor has been preaching about “who are your disciples”. We are commanded to tell others about God. This is such an important truth.

  2. Heather

    The other day in the waiting room at the hospital I picked up an In Touch with Charles Stanley book/magazine. It had the story of a Chinese pastor (whom I had heard of but his name escapes me) and told of all the things that had happened to him and his prayer, not that the persecution would end, but that they would have strength and endurance.

    Great post, Laurel.

  3. LindaLinda

    When I try to wrap my mind around God and all that He truly is – I just get lost. He is so much bigger than my little mind can begin to contain. I need to be able to have that simple faith and then to have the strength and endurance to be all God would have me be.
    Wonderful devotional Laurel.

  4. Janna

    My first thought after reading your post were “How am I showing God’s power in my life to others?” As Christians, we have the power of God inside of us. What can we do to enable more Christians, especially women that are so consumed with fear and low self-esteem, to realize this?

    Oh…you’ve got me thinking! 🙂

  5. Terri

    You got me thinking too! I just read Acts over the weekend and I’m sorry to say that I didn’t pull enough out of it, like you did. You’re so good at getting to the heart of it.

    Wonderful post, Laurel!

  6. eph2810

    Amen to that, Laurel…BTW – did you listen to Beth’s teaching today? I was floored by what she had to share. We are ALL created to worship, because God made us that way! Even the pagan worship a god and always have…I don’t know why it struck me so much today…

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Power of our God today…

    Be blessed today and always.

  7. Angie

    Truly wonderful writing! Inspired. Needed. My mind has been on the witness my life and words are….good or not so good. I see God’s glory all around….and still wonder why people refuse to accept the Creator of life. The Prodigal children in our family….they “know” about Jesus….but refuse to give their lives over completely to Him. How do we get to them?
    I truly enjoyed reading your post. Bless you this week!

  8. Amanda

    It is only through Jesus Christ, when we come to him through faith, that we can be saved. The word “faith” really sticks out to me. My children have been asking alot “How do we know that what we believe is real?” Good Question. Having “faith” in what we can not see. And “faith” in what the Lord teaching us in his word. Thanks for this post.

  9. LynnLynn


    You post touched my heart as I just returned home from a visit with my husband’s family. Thank you for this prayer. Great post!

  10. Angel ( Angel Mama )

    Dear Laurel,

    I love this post you really touched my heart and made my day. I have been off for a few days and missed your posts. Thanks for sharing from your heart.

    In his endless love,

    Angel ():)

  11. Millie

    Even when I read your title, it touches my heart. Seeing is not believing…Believing is just trusting what do not happen, only put our eyes on the Lord.

    Thank you so much for sharing with us this wonderful post. After read your post, I know that since we are the new men after we chose the Lord as our savior, we should live a new life, to praise him, to glory him, to worship him..