Songs of praise

My middle child will be eight on Thanksgiving day and I can think of nothing more appropriate. This is a child who, when it is her turn to pray, will pray, and pray, and pray, listing all those she can think of who need prayer as well as all those she knows and all those things which she is thankful for, and that is just our dinner prayer. This is a child who knows and loves the Lord and loves to sing new songs of praise to Him–made up on the spot, just for Him. Wherever and whenever you will find her with music on her tongue and just as likely it is a song of praise and thanksgiving.

What a reminder she is to me to give thanks always for all things and to sing songs of praise and thanksgiving–even when I am a little off key and it might not be the most appropriate time. (Both of these things are things she is often faulted for–she has a beautiful voice but she longs to stretch it and make it grow and often practices doing so at the most inappropriate moments. 🙂

“Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.”- Psalm 95:1-2

As Thanksgiving approaches and then the Christmas season encroaches, remember to sing songs of praise and thanksgiving–whether out loud or in your heart. As all the world rushes about trying to find the perfect gift and stay on schedule, tell Him that you remember all He has done for you. Singing songs of praise isn’t just for His sake, but also for our own–reminding us of all we have to be thankful for and all He has done for us.

Because a thankful heart is a happy heart, I am glad for what I have that’s an easy place to start–Junior Asparagus in Madame Blueberry. (We hear that one a lot around here.:))

Dearest Lord, thank you for all you have given us. We are so very blessed, each and everyone of us, regardless of country or nationality, regardless of heritage, if we are in You we are greatly and abundantly blessed because of your Son, Jesus Christ.

What are YOU thankful for?


4 thoughts on “Songs of praise

  1. LynnLynn


    Wonderful post and happy Birthday to your eight year old. Also, I love Madam blueberry.

    I am thankful for my Jesus. God bless you my sister, Lynn