I Stink Pretty!

My eighteen-year-old daughter Meghan, recently bought herself a new car. She was looking forward to taking me for a spin around the neighborhood. I climbed into “Abby” and it wasn’t long before we were out in some wide open spaces, enjoying the crisp afternoon.

As Meg started climbing up a hill, she nervously began to grind her gears and ride her breaks. The thick smell of burning brake pad soon filled the tiny car. “Meghan, what the…”

“Mom! I don’t need your help. I have had a stick-shift before!”

Her fear fueled her anger, which fueled mine. Once, we were driving again on flat roads I asked her, “What was that all about back there!? Why are you mad at me?”

“Mom, you get me nervous.” she stated matter-of-factly. Her eyes staring straight ahead.

“I get you nervous? Seriously?! But, I barely said a word.” I wondered if she was using me as her excuse for her poor driving performance back there.

“I can’t explain it Mom. You get me nervous.”

To my oldest child, my presence was powerful in her midnight blue Elantra. I had no idea. Words didn’t need to be spoken for her to know I was sitting in the front seat beside her. I couldn’t help but think about how as Christians we bring an invisible presence wherever we go. Most of the time we don’t even realize it. A mighty presence of the Holy Spirit, Christ in us. A sweet perfume to some, the scent of death to others. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. 2Cor. 2:15-16

One of my sister’s doesn’t enjoy the company of our family. As much as we laugh when we’re together and enjoy playing board games together with our families, it never seems to go much farther than that. We live only a few minutes from each other and rarely see one another. She no longer attends church or is interested in Bible studies. I no longer talk to her about it. I take my prayers to the Lord. I’ve often wondered if the reason she doesn’t want to spend time with me is because of the fragrance of Christ.

My daughter Meghan was becoming irritated with an unbelieving relative who was asking intrusive questions about her and her boyfriend. Meghan shared with this person that her and her boyfriend were praying about their relationship. Once the Lord and prayer were brought into the conversation this relative couldn’t get off of the phone fast enough. I wonder if she smelled something!?

As a believer in Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells inside of me and will permeate every bit of space I occupy. To some I may smell like a warm vanilla-spice candle, welcoming and comforting. But, to those who are perishing,  the stench I carry with me will burn the nostrils in an unpleasant way. Not always will I be received with open arms. Not always will my own family wish to spend time with me. And for no apparent reason at all, people may not like being around me. I’m learning to be OK with that.

Lord Jesus, help my heart. I want so much to be included and liked, especially by those I love. Help me to understand there is a spiritual fragance I bring into a room. You experienced torture and crucifixion for me. Help me to bear the stench I am to those who are perishing. Remind me it isn’t me at all, but you they can’t bear to be around. Then, help me to live a life that brings you glory. One that helps point others to you. I love you so much Jesus.

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8 thoughts on “I Stink Pretty!

  1. Iris

    Oh, Joanne, I am so sorry to read about part of your family not enjoying being around you. As you said, it has nothing to do with you, but that Christ dwells within you. I am sure that your family will come around at some point and I know that you will be ready to share the hope you have with them.

    Thank you for sharing from your heart.

  2. HisFireFly

    I know exactly what you’re describing, and thank God that He asks us to carry His scent even when it may cause distress in our natural lives.

    I would rather smell like Him and offend some than walk in the ways of the world.

    It’s hard, but God will carry us.

  3. LaurieLAURIE

    Thanks for sharing from your heart today! It is my prayer that I will always be a sweet aroma as I represent Christ to others, especially the ones that don’t like me. 🙂

  4. Tracy


    GREAT devotion! Thank you for sharing so openly and honestly about the flip of being a sweet aroma!

    Can you believe I used this exact same verse on my Word-Filled Wednesday post today??? Like you, my heart’s desire is to be the sweet aroma of Christ, leading a life that points others to Him! Your prayer is beautiful…

    Blessings, “smelly” sista! 🙂

  5. Debbie

    I can relate to this. Since many of my loved ones are not yet saved, I think they often feel convicted of their behavior even when I don’t say a word.

    Thanks for writing this one.


  6. Bernadine

    Love this post Joanne. My mother would sometimes say of those who kept their distance, “something inside of them is uncomfortable with the Jesus inside of you:)”. Thanks for the reminder to be a sweet aroma .

  7. LynnLynn

    Oh Joanne,

    What a powerful but very realistic post. I am too, beginning to be okay with those who just don’t want to be around me. It has been a very interesting progression as my faith has grown and my friends have changed.

    Excellent. As always. Praying up a storm of celebration around you today. … hugs….