I am honored to have the opportunity to write for Laced With Grace this month.  Thank you for the opportunity to be a featured writer for this blog.  You have blessed me!

Christmas is far more than gifts and a wish list. It is about a Savior who came to give you and me eternal life in heaven. It is about accepting God’s free gift of salvation. It is about walking with Christ so that one day we will spend eternity in a beautiful place with our Heavenly Father.

In a culture, which is increasingly secularized, there are many people who have no clue what Christmas truly means. Christmas in the eyes of the world is combing the stores in frustration.  It is searching the Christmas tree lots for just the right tree.  It is listening to dogs barking to the tune of “Jingle Bells”. The world is offering a hollow and shallow substitute for the true meaning of Christmas. 

The controversies surrounding Christmas have been all over the media again this year.  The Christ-child is being asked to leave more and more places.  But isn’t that the reality of Christmas?  A child is born into the world and the world ignores him.  He was unwelcome the first Christmas and many wanted to destroy him.  His teachings are still regarded as dangerous by many.  We are expected to celebrate Christmas but we are not supposed to remember why. People are still offended at him.  People still reject him.  People still try to forget him and ignore his presence. 

The Gospel of John gives us the true meaning of Christmas.  It says: “Now this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3). What would it have been like if Jesus never came?  What would the story of our lives be? Without his coming there is no meaning, there is no reason. But because he came we can experience a true and fulfilling purpose for our lives.

This is a season to be thankful for all of God’s blessings and to be reminded of the gift God gave to each of us. This is a time of year to give and to bless others as God has blessed us. It is so easy to be overwhelmed by all the demands of the holidays. Let’s remember why we celebrate Christmas. Don’t allow stress to rob you of your Christmas. Focus on today and prioritize your schedule. Make time for daily devotions and prayer. Even in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holidays nothing is more important than our relationship with the Lord.

Don’t allow your Christmas to be stolen. It can happen when you least expect it. Stay focused during this very busy season. After all Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

This article is submitted by Rev. Deborah Shank.  Debbie and her husband Bobby pastor Belvoir Assembly of God located in Marshall, Virginia.  They have been co-pastoring in ministry for 29 years.  Debbie is the Women’s/Music Pastor at their church.  She is also employed as the Executive Assistant to the District Superintendent at the Potomac District Council of the Assembly of God in Virginia.  Debbie and Bobby live in Warrenton, VA.  They have two grown and married children and two grandchildren.  Debbie is available to speak and ministers through her blogs weekly.   Her ministry website is http://www.DeborahShank.com.  Blogs: http://www.DeborahShank.blogspot.com   and  http://www.mentoringpastorswives.blogspot.com 


  1. eph2810

    Very well said, Deborah. We often forget in all the preparation for Christmas to prepare our heart to find peace and comfort in Him who we celebrate.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts this month with our readers here at LWG.