When Storms or Turbulence Strike

Above the Clouds Tiffany Stuart

I used to be terrified of flying. Prior to boarding my flight, I’d get anxious, sick to my stomach and my heart would race. The thing I hated the most was the fact that we were flying. I like my feet on solid ground, thank you. Plus I wasn’t in control and I’m a former control freak. Oh and then there was my fear when the pilot would say over the intercom, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat belts. We are expecting some turbulence as we approach Denver International Airport. We will be landing shortly.”  Oh my goodness, no…

Thank God, I no longer wig out about flying. Actually I appreciate the change in perspective. Because the truth is I NEED a change in perspective every so often.

I get stuck looking at life from the ground up.

Sometimes I need to see life from the sky down.

When I’m on a plane, I see everything differently.  I remember how small I really am as I watch cars and houses and high rise building shrink as we increase in elevation. I have fun taking pictures. Why can’t I see these shapes and colors when I’m on the ground? I’m fascinated as the pilot enters thick white clouds and then we come out on top. Amazing and beautiful. Closer to heaven? I think so.

If only I could live above the storms of life, but I can’t.

Right now I’m going through some turbulence. A couple weeks ago, my son moved an hour away to start his sophomore year in college. Yesterday my daughter changed high schools after attending the same charter school since second grade. That alone can create a mini crisis for this mom if I let it. Ha. And now, we’re preparing to sell our home(for sale by owner), Lord willing.

I feel storms all around me. One of my friends is in hospice. Several of my friends have serious things going on. Unspeakable pain. Broken hearts. Unanswered prayers. Another loved one fights daily with a painful disease.

All of this chaos makes me feel similar to when I had my extreme fear of flying. And I don’t like it. But the reality is storms and turbulence are a part of life. I can’t avoid them, but I can allow God to change my perspective. Yes, please, Lord.

The truth is I am not in control. Not when my feet are on the ground or when they are in the air.

But God is.

He knows what I don’t. He is close to the brokenhearted. His sovereign plan doesn’t change with the storms.

And with that truth, I have a choice: trust God or fear again.

Today I’m choosing to trust God regardless of the bumps or drops or shifts in the wind. I know of no other answer that brings me peace.


Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


Peace and prayers to you,

Tiffany at Tea with Tiffany

5 thoughts on “When Storms or Turbulence Strike

  1. Iris

    So true, we need to change out perspective sometimes. We may not understand everything that is going on, but we can trust God to see us through the turbulence in life.

  2. Paula

    This is a wonderful post Tiffany. I’ve been going through a tough time of late, and have friends going through even worse. It is so good to get a new perspective on life. Mine has come from friends being open about how they see me doing. All spoken with love, and confirmation of what I’ve been feeling lately. Thank you for this reminder. Paula xo