Stressed to the Max!

When I saw my friend today, I could tell immediately that she was stressed to the max! The stress could be seen in her face and when she opened her mouth, it could be heard in her voice. In the last 48 hours, one thing after another seemed to fall apart. The refrigerator broke, the cat tore up the screen for the screened in porch, outside window sills were rotten and under inspection – they crumbled and when the new washer and dryer were delivered, they were too big to fit in the counter space.

She was frazzled. She was exhausted. She had seen her limit. She was stressed!

Stressful days like the one my friend had today, are an inevitable fact of modern life! We each have a choice to make when these stressful times come …how are we going to cope with these high demands?

“If my life is surrendered to God, all is well. Let me not grab it back, as though it were in a peril in His hand but would be safer in mine!” – ELISABETH ELLIOT

The best way to cope with stress in our life is by turning our days and even our moments over to God. Trying to grab the reins of our lives and proclaim that we are in charge is not only foolish but it is stressful. Whenever we impose our own wills upon our world – we invite stress into our lives … needlessly. But when we accept His will instead of our own, we will discover inner peace.

COLOSSIANS 3:15 ” And let  the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.”

Do you feel overwhelmed like my friend? Satan does some of his worst work on exhausted Christians when nerves are frayed and the mind is faint. Turn your concerns and your prayers over to God. Trust Him. Trust Him completely. Trust Him today. Trust Him always.

Like my friend, you will still have appliances break down and your house will still be in need of repairs … but the peace of God will allow you to rest easier. So rest easy.

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7 thoughts on “Stressed to the Max!

  1. bp

    I like this and thanks for the reminder of giving God both “our days and even our moments.” Sometimes I forget about giving Him even the little things.

  2. Melanie

    Great post, Laurie! This is something God has really been working on me about over the last couple of years. For some reason it is a hard lesson to learn and one I still struggle with, but I also know the truth and have experienced the truth in letting Him take complete control. It really is the best (and only) way to go!

  3. Iris

    Amen to that, Laurie. Sometimes I stop myself to just take a deep breath and send up a prayer to calm me down…otherwise I totally get frazzled.