Behold, He makes all things new. Rev. 21:5 At the age of twenty-seven, my life was far from where I had planned for it to be. Divorced, single mommy to two babies under the age of four…this wasn’t the happily ever after, fairy tale ending to the story I’d dreamed…
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One recent morning, I was enjoying some “alone” time with God. I was pondering how much time I had (and hadn’t) been spending with the Lord this summer. I had not been spending time with the Lord on a DAILY basis. God used an image of a drink of water to illustrate…
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I am the sort of person who tends to get caught up in a “works mentality” – measuring my worth by what I have done. I was the little girl who wanted approval – to be thought of as a good girl. It mattered very much to my little girl…
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As the director of children’s ministries at my church, I walked into the summer “Adventure Bible Style” class with confidence and enthusiasm. I had my experiment prepared and made copies of the craft and on the spot skit. I knew most of these kids from vacation Bible school or AWANA,…
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“Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 Just yesterday I sat with a friend in the neuro intensive care family waiting room. Tears flowed from her eyes and her speech stammered as she shared with me the trauma that began to unfold ten days…
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