Joy from the world?

Lately, a number of celebrities have been imploding in the public eye. Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan quickly jump to mind. These two and many others like them, have it all by the world’s standards – fame, money, looks, and lots of stuff. So why are they so unhappy? Why…

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Forgiveness Helps Us Find Joy

“Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins.” Proverbs 10:12(NKJV) Have you ever been around someone who seems to be overcome by bitterness, anger, and even vengeful? These individuals have one main obsession in common – an unforgiving heart. At one time or another, the individual has felt they…

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Christmas Joy

Are you experiencing joy in your life?  As Christians we often sing about joy.  “Joy to the World” is a Christmas favorite of mine.  I remember as a child I sang a song that went something like this: “I have the joy, joy, joy, joy …down in my heart.  Down in my  heart. Down in…

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