The Call to Leave the Shallows…

Somehow, no matter how many of them I experience I still get excited about beginning a new year.   In this New Year I hear the call, to leave the shallow places behind and launch out into the deep places in God.  The shallow places have become too comfortable.  They have become an excuse for failure because there are no opportunities for success or movement.  The shallows give you a valid reason to give up, wash up your net as the fishermen did in Luke 5:4-5.

When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Push out into the deep water. Let down your nets for some fish.” Simon said to Him, “Teacher, we have worked all night and we have caught nothing. But because You told me to, I will let the net down.”

They had toiled all night and caught no fish.  But Jesus called them to move beyond the shallow places and try again.  We often hear the same call from family and friends.  They ask us to trust again, believe again, dream again, to give it one more chance.  It seems doubtful sometimes that success is even attainable.  However I’m going to trust God in this New Year.   I’m going leave the hurts, disappointments of last year and continue working on my unrealized dreams.  I’m going to answer the call to trust God one more time believing that it will work out in the end.

When they had done this, they caught so many fish, their net started to break. They called to their friends working in the other boat to come and help them. They came and both boats were so full of fish they began to sink. Luke 5:6-7

The fishermen decided to give it one more try although they thought they had done all they could.  Their act of obedience paid great dividends.  In fact they were so successful that they had to call for help, all because they listened and obeyed.  Because of their obedience they didn’t miss out on the blessings of the Lord.

I don’t want to miss the move of God in my life because I stayed in the shallow, comfortable places.  In this New Year, I want to courageously answer the call to launch out into the deep places in Him.  To reach for those things that seems unattainable.  I know that my success lies in my willingness and obedience.  So today, I make a pledge to answer the call to launch out…

How about you?  What do you hear God saying to you as you begin this new year?

3 thoughts on “The Call to Leave the Shallows…

  1. Bp

    I loved reading this this morning. Thank you! It encouraged me as I think of the year ahead and moving on.

    God bless,

  2. Iris

    Bernadine, we often like to stay in the shallow places, because we feel comfortable in them. They are familiar to us. But God calls us to bigger, and great things. He will be with us wherever we go; we just need to trust Him. I know that it can be scary at time, but I know it will be worth it to step out in faith.

  3. alisa

    Yes, I’ve stayed in the shallow places too long! I want to go deeper with God in every area of my life, including ones that I particularly struggle with. I’m going to remember to continue to push off to the deep waters because that’s where God’s glory is seen!