The Hospitality of Abraham

There is an old painting…it is a medieval Russian “icon” of the Orthodox church, painted by Andrei Rublev.

This painting is also known as “the Hospitality of Abraham”. It is unknown whether the icon is supposed to represent a pre-incarnation Christ with two angels, or whether it is supposed to represent the Trinity as revealed in the Old Testament.

What we do know from Scripture (Genesis 18) is that

(…)the LORD appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day. He lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing in front of him. When he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the earth and said, “O Lord, if I have found favor in your sight, do not pass by your servant. (ESV)

A reason to think that Rublev meant to depict the Trinity is the language of Scripture. The Lord appeared (singular) and Abraham saw three men. When Abraham spoke, it was in the singular. All three figures are wearing the color of royalty.

The reason not to think that Rublev mean to depict a pre-incarnation Christ is because it would have been considered blasphemy to depict God the Father in an image.

Whatever Rublev meant to depict, we do know this. That the Lord appeared to Abraham in the form of a man (or men). Abraham knew that it was the Lord. And he offered hospitality.

Next week is “Holy Week”. We recognize the “sent-ness” of Christ. God sent His Son, Immanuel; God With Us. He sent Him to be of humble birth, to live His mission. To die in order to bring life to those who believe.

When Christ left this earth, He sent another. The Holy Spirit. Counselor.

These three persons in One Godhead; the Trinity.

Together, they bring us three things that we (as humans) find it hard to understand this side of the grave.




We recognize this all year round, yet Holy Week seems a time when it is appropriate to ponder these mysteries more so than usual.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, ESV)

Ellen Sig Tag

25 thoughts on “The Hospitality of Abraham

  1. Shawna

    What a beautiful painting.
    It truly amazes me that God would lower himself to take on flesh that we might be saved. It is a love beyond my understanding. And He still loves me when I stumble and fall constantly. How good, and pure, and perfect, and holy is the Lord Jesus. Praise His name!

    Please “Enter Me”

  2. Kris

    Peace*What a feeling to have when reading this devotion. I’m sure the list of words could go on. While I go through this next week I need to remember these words and realize the fullness of the love that our Heavenly Father has for us.
    Serving Him,
    please “enter me”

  3. Beth

    And to think we entertain Him in our selves every day. How easily we forget that!

    Please enter me today.

  4. eph2810

    Sometimes it is hard to wrap the mind around the Trinity or even to explain it. I know I can’t, but I know it my heart.

    Thank you for sharing and especially for pointing to the true reason for Easter.

  5. Patricia

    Just beautiful! Thank you for this post…great words to remember as I start my day!

  6. Lisa E.

    Easter season is a great time to reflect on the essence of our faith. Thank you for sharing such a calming picture and devotion.

    Enter Me
    Lisa E

  7. LynnLynn

    Neat post. I feel especially drawn by the Spirit this season to truly focus on the power of the resurrection. Thank you for starting me in that direction. Love and hugs,

  8. Mylah Luper-Johnson

    Blessed Trinity…thanks for this post!

    Mylah Luper-Johnson
    “Enter Me” please

  9. Joanne

    It is still a mind blowing thought….’God with us’.

    Thank you for the reminder.

    Blessings, Joanne

    ******Please Enter Me*******

  10. Angela

    I never knew that about that painting. I do know how merciful God can be. In my life and the lives of my children God has been revealing himself to us in abundance the past few days. I started reading LWG’s devotions because of the “She Speaks” Conference, but these devotions have cultivated far more than I ever expected. I look forward to reading each new devotion and expecting a blessing from God. Than you so much for your dedication to the women of faith whom look forward to reading these devotions and spending time with God.

    “enter me”

  11. HisGirl

    Reminds me of a Telecast song,
    “Hallelujah! What a Beautiful Mystery! Hallelujah! To love Someone you can’t see!”

    *enter me, please!*

  12. Grace

    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing a ‘classic’ piece of artwork. Such a treasure.

    Please enter me!

  13. Shalee

    I hope that I too can say that I’ve entertained for the glory of God, no matter who the one being entertained is. The point that also sticks out to me is that this entertaining took time: Sarah had to make the bread, a servant had to butcher and roast a calf and then Abraham went to get curds and milk for the meal. Nothing was spared and the best was given. And he took the time to do it right.

    What does that say about my prayer time as I hurry a thought here and there for God. There’s much left to be desired in my personal relationship with God. Sigh.

    Beautiful, lovely thoughts today.

    Enter me please.

  14. Jenny

    I love old paintings! Thanks for sharing and thanks for entering me in the give away! I can’t wait to go!

  15. Elaine Olsen

    Abraham was in the posture to receive his Lord. What he received was far beyond his wildest imaginings. He received the promise of a son…in a year’s time.

    As we journey toward the Easter cross, we too, need to ready our hearts to receive our Lord. His promise to us? A son…not in year’s time, but right now. Praise God for such extravagance.

    peace for the journey~elaine

  16. Sherry L.

    Thank you for the beauty of the art and words………and the PUSH, to dig deeper!

    Please ENTER ME!

  17. Vickie

    What a beautiful to take a work of art and remind us of the true focus of Easter! Thank you.


    please enter me today

  18. LindaLinda

    It truly is a truth almost too wonderful to be able to grasp. I am so thankful He has done everything necessary for us to spend eternity with Him.